By not necessarily, do you mean that I need to enroll keys?
Are the new kernel modules planned to be included in the kernel and if so, will that mean there will be secure boot support?
Man... Locked-in syndrome scares the shit out of me...
Just read a few at a time...
Since you asked, I really don't have any issue as long as it is no smaller than roughly 15cm in one direction.
Edit: will ofc look at the stuff you sent. Replying quickly since I am doing sth rn : P Thank you!!!
Nothing matters (so do nothing because there is no reason to do something)
Nothing matters (so do anything because why not!?)
Haven't heard of them, checked it out after this comment and I think it is what I am looking for. A bit concerned about the lack of fillament detector (watched the Maker's Muse video).
Latest? Have you tried running other versions of proton?
Edi: ignore this comment others seem to have answered.
Ape Sex.
Ok jokes asside, which version of proton are you using?
Oh it is not about them.
They are also for proof.
I am mentioning the NVIDIA drivers. That is because there are new kernel modules that are open source. Maybe kernel signage is not needed with those ones. That is why I am asking.