that's fair
Mixed feelings about this one
yeah it's pretty awful lmao. I tried 11 recently, I don't know how anyone can stomach using it
Yeah I think for your average person, iphone sales will increase if this does happen. For geeks and people who feel capable, you'll custom roms and linux phones etc.
this was helpful; I knew some the alternatives like jitsi and matrix, but the links to what facebook is up to are really useful
I don't want smart appliances at all
I wonder what will happen as China begins producing more of it's own chips that can compete with intel/amd? Also, what happens with risc/arm? and hopefully allowing us as end users to have machines without this shit on it
It's a country with so many problems already. Bukele gave a lot of people--especially a lot of Salvadorans living in the US--a lot of false hope. El Salvador has so many problems that run very, very deep. I wouldn't even know where to begin in order to solve them. Can only hope there is a growing leftist movement that seeks help from nicaragua, cuba, honduras, venezuela, etc
One of the comments from under the arsetechnica article mentions possibility of corporate espionage...I'm inclined to believe that, but obviously that's pure speculation.
I tried doing everything in the tty years ago. It was fun learning experience, but I'm not really sure that I would like to do it all the time.
Mozilla might be awful, but Firefox keeps positive things for the web
I think it's scheisse.....
This is a pretty big deal. Rogers is a private company right? I wonder if there'll be any consequences (LOL)