So allow the candidate to supercharge the extermination to win? That's one helluva strategy. Certainly one way to try and shift the blame to one side when there's plenty to go around for both dems and the uncommitted
wow you got mad! comparing me to trump really shows off your insecurities. are you actually trying to lead us to believe every American has a Caucasian background? Seriously? Because that's exactly what you're implying in the following statement:
Now, now. They made a distinction. It was just between the value of white lives and brown lives. response to:
One mostly exports the genocide to the third world
The other wants to bring it home.
What else could this mean? Someone from a specific country doesn't mean they have a specific skin color. Aren't there other marginalized groups to consider? for instance, the LGBT groups that far-right wingers have been antagonizing here in the US? Maybe its just me, but LGBT groups aren't defined by their skin color or race.
I'm fully aware I'm a piece of shit, but its only because its too easy to point out your oversimplified and flawed logic to get you ticked off for being unable to properly argue your point. man, its like its your first time on the internet.
Now, I will stand by my argument that what you said was reductive and at least a tad racist. Before you rage and reply back pointless insults and comparisons, do me a favor and send this comment chain to someone with a clear head.
Edit: actually, don't bother. This was a good way for me to vent my frustrations on the internet after this shit election, but I'm tired now and do not have the energy to argue with child-like logic anymore. Some day, you'll mature enough to understand how the world works. in the meantime, i'm just gonna ignore the next however many replies you need to send to feel better about yourself. sayonara!
do i really have to draw the lines between my responses and yours?
If I were you I would either recant my position or be VERY offended that I was accused with merit of being a white supremacist. You singled out as a distinction that the bad things would happen here. To people like you. Fairly explicit that should mean something more than the lives that aren’t yours.
This is interesting as you seemed to do some impressive mental gymnastics to claim i was a skinhead or something. i didn't respond to it because I had no idea how my first comment suggested i was racist. and, knowing how you probably think, wanna use this rhetoric to somehow prove that I am
It was.
talking about your hasty conclusion to Regal's claim which brings up 1st and 3rd world countries without mentioning skin color. that dude said absolutely nothing about race.
Just for context, you’re a white supremacist trump supporter type, right?
I already told you I'm not, and went into further detail into why, including bringing my own race into record since you seem to be quick to judge things based on race
If you don’t want to be talked down to, get out of the gutter.
and how does this respond to anything else in the parent comment other than the very last line, which seems to have touched a nerve?
so, as it seems you're getting a bit heated, imma suggest you do what you told me to do earlier
Please take a step back, take a few breaths
nice comeback, think up that one yourself? since you didn't really respond to the rest of my comment, i'm assuming you couldn't reason yourself to a proper rebuttal.
never was. cant support the pos even before P2025 made the news. being pan and fucking lebanese, there's virtually nothing about the guy that i would be willing to support, short of dying of stress and old age before he can take over again.
racism is present in all parts of the political spectrum, but I guess its hard to tell when you only see the world in black and white.
by the way, your elitist tone is pretty annoying
if that's the only thing you noticed, then who's the one being racist here?
What is there to be more coherent about? You boiled down that guy's response to be about skin color
Of course, ignore all the rhetoric of trump and is ilk so you can call the other guy racist. That certainly seals the argument
How did you think this election was gonna go? You think there was still gonna be enough votes for Harris? Or that by some miracle a 3rd party candidate was gonna be elected?
People with your mindset are just as guilty as the dems are. No weasling out of this shitpile were now stuck in
"Voting 3rd party or sitting out during the election basically cedes the election to one of two parties. We should at least choose the party that has a better chance to be swayed against genocide than the one who openly advocates for the genociders to 'finish the job'"
I'm not saying liberals are the smartest and most moral people, they definitely aren't. But dismissing reality of the American political system and the almost certain likelihood of the US presidential election to vote for neither of the two main parties and expecting something good to come out of it is pretty telling to one's critical thinking skills.