You got it
Sounds like that driver could be like all the other angry "i gotta be in people's assholes" drivers that are out and about these days. I have a 2024 Solterra and it doesn't do anything that is being described, however I also leave plenty of space between me and the person in front of me.
Seems the system could be working as intended ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but they can all be disabled.
The post isn't about privacy, if it was, faxing wouldn't be on there. I'd wager a strong guess it's about convenience on one hand while choosing to be inconvenient on the other.
Edit: or maybe it's more about high tech in some sectors and low tech in others, still not about privacy.
Where I'm at even manufactured homes are being built and starting at 100-200k. Shoot, my 50yo house was 400 and is now estimated to go for 500k which is wild to me after living here for a while.
I wish I was closer to where you're at 😂
Edit: my house isn't too crazy either. 1 car garage, 1 1/2 bath, 1300sq ft
But what should be a starter home is also increased...unless you like manufactured homes...which is also expensive >.>
You're a comment.
Oh man, my buddy's P6P has a weird issue where it feels like the DAC is coming loose too (if the audio goes out he can press on a part of his to make it come back). Guess I got lucky as I'm still on mine.