I'm not sure why it's a hassle? I use syncthing-fork to sync with my Raspberry Pi. It's pretty low maintenance and I haven't really had any issues. Passwords are too important to trust to a third-party, and LassPass has show on several occasions how stupid it is to trust a third-party cloud provider with your passwords.
Also, BitWarden has a big drawback for me on desktop, and that is it can't auto-type passwords - which is unacceptable for me, since I spend a lot of time working out of remote desktop windows and VMs as part of my job.
You're not wrong that I'm lazy, but I also do things that actually need to be done. Like, I'm lazy about say, getting my haircut and will put it off, but I'm not lazy about say vacuuming the house, or waking up and getting ready for work - because those things need doing. I just don't see the value in making the bed.