Ok that is impressive. Great details although it gets a bit wonky if you zoom closer. Still, impressive for AI, love it :D
Who are you? Why are you here? And how would you like to get fucked?
Uncut. I‘m just not a big genital mutation kind of guy in general.
Don‘t apologize, thats an amazing story. We are rooting for you two :D
Always important to have a good conversation with your surgeon on how big your implants should be BEFORE they are in you.
That would be a nice future feature upgrade.
I think I like the lady on the far left the most. Who’s your favorite?
Also, I’ve seen so many Scientific deepwater vehicles that are thethered to the ship in some form. Why isn’t this thing hooked up to a cran yhat can get it back up if someone fails? I’d think passenger vessels should pass more rigurous safety standards than that.
Are they liable btw or is the “international waters” situation doing them any favor?
I mean thats fair. But maybe we could agree to a Title scheme (including [m/f/t] for example) so people can filter out tags they aren’t interested in?
Going for the low hanging fruit here:
I think most people think of something else to insert here 😜
Jokes aside, nice picture!