Do you understand what it was like being a Jew during the holocaust? […] My 15 year old daughter has told me multiple times in the past that in school now - if you don't claim you're LGBT in some orientation, you get bullied for not being that. […] But that sounds like it's okay with you, because straight people are "the wrong people".
Yo do understand there’s countries outside the US, right? 🤡
Lol. Having a US driving license means you might be qualified to safely ride a tricycle on a training course.
Really meaningful attempt at starting a conversation like so, troll?
Is it also out of context when you compare your straight daughter’s experiences to, and I quote, „Jews during the holocaust“?
Maybe nobody wants to have a meaningful discussion with you because you’re an outrageously obtuse asshole.
Average muskbrain energy here.
Das ist eine öffentliche Plattform, ich „mische mich ein“ wo ich möchte. Wenn dir das nicht passt, geh zu WhatsApp und lösch dich. Danke. 😘
"Completely" is a quantifier.
A quantifier of intensity not a quantifier of quantity. This is really not that hard.
you still haven't supported your point from the original source
See, this is not how these things work. You're the one who made a claim about the content of this article. I showed you you're wrong. That is my point. End of story.
Can you point me to the quantifiers in your quotes or the article?
Maybe you should do something about your terrible reading comprehension:
„I’m not a Nazi, but…“