As it stands, ISPs are not liable for what you do with your internet any more than apple would be liable if you called in a bomb threat on an iPhone .
This man is a mendacious liar and Unfit for fatherhood.
Interestingly the BBC haven’t opened comments on the article.
Quite happy to let angry keyboard man comment about what we should or shouldn’t do in Ukraine, but unwilling to give him a voice on this one.
If you’ve seen his schtick, he’s been at it for a long time.
It’s the Americans saying “Look over there !”
They did it with brexit .
It would last about a week if you’re careful ! The whole thing, not the battery !
im still amazed the e-ink so expensive. you can get an androiud table for 40 quid.
PR has sprung into action - Fortune articles, Guardian articles, all running damage limitation.
- Nvidia will see a lot less chips.
the media smear is rolling too. ugly to see.
someone on lemmy has a bit of a hateboner for mozilla.
i am keeping a record of what just what it took, before people got off.
Who’s vouch