If we're subsidizing O&G so much, why don't we just nationalize?
Neoliberal policy is fucked. It's rather telling that China's economic environment is more conducive to startups and innovation than Canada's.
Canada would operate perfectly fine with nationalized airlines, telecoms, and O&G. These are established industries that don't need market effects to grow or remain profitable.
The only reason we don't is because we're fucking idiots beholden to capitalism.
One day I aspire to have as much influence on global politics as Adrian Zenz.
The CRTC can go fuck itself.
Jacobin is pretty reliable lol
Canada was known for helping to keep the peace and deliver humanitarian aid in the past.
Now? Well...
We have fucking NAFTA and we could do so much economic development to export GHG emissions reductions to the US. The green tech industry is a massive employer and one of the biggest drivers of economic growth in China today, and we literally have a captive market that we can exploit to get the same economic growth driver in Canada.
IMO, reducing our top-line emissions is a lost cause. More than 80% of our electricity comes from clean sources. More than 50% of our emissions comes from O&G and transportation.
But have you considered that white protestors in the Freedom Convoy can't be Hamas because they're white?
Frankly, I think Canada would have a much greater impact on emissions if we put our highly-educated workforce towards developing clean technologies for export to the US. That's what we should be working on, because we're already operating in that weird part of the climate curve where it takes disproportionate investment to get any return in terms of GHGe.
If BYD opened an EV plant in Canada for export of $10k EVs to North American markets, we could wipe so may ICE vehicles off the roads across North America.
China's a leader in terms of actually hitting their emissions targets (they're hitting peak oil earlier than expected, for example), but they aren't able to use the natural gas crutch to drive down "emissions."
Methane leaks absolutely destroy any GHGe advantage natural gas has in the short term, but it's something that's completely forgotten in emissions reporting. If you adjust for natural gas' methane footprint, the GHGe reductions in the West start looking really depressing.
If the government could step in and just build housing instead of adopting neoliberal bullshit, that would be great thanks.