It sure was
Where do you get your hard drives? Cheapest 1tb SSD I can get is $65, and the cheapest 1tb nvme drive is $80.
My acer laptop did the exact same thing for unknown reasons. When I switched it back to AHCI Arch (btw) booted again but windows broke and I managed to fix it with a Windows live usb. I think I had to use bcdboot and generate a new bootloader.
I'll probably forget to check when I get home. Does anyone know if Android randomizes the MAC address on every disconnect/connect with the random MAC option enabled?
Jesus fucking krist
All of these things are exactly what happens in my area. I think the nearest 4 lane highway is about 4 hours away.
I'm not American and know nothing about this, but shouldn't banning books be illegal cause of the freedom of speech amendment?
*pay other people to write songs for me
The ribs are definitely going the wrong direction
I racked up about 9000 hours in WoW before quitting, bit over 3000 hours in Runescape.
Objects in orbit experience very minor drag from what's left of Earth's atmosphere up there. Objects in low orbit like starlink satellites experience more drag. Unless it gets periodically boosted to a higher orbit it burns up in the atmosphere falling back to earth. This is all well understood and planned for. Satellites falling out of orbit is literally the norm.