
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Astor Theatre, Perth, 2019. Was a crazy mosh, and Crumbling Castle was incredible. They ended the show on "The Bitter Boogie" which was a really flat, confusing way to end. Overall a great gig but I still find myself scratching my head at the ending song. The other times I saw them they finished with the Mind Fuzz suite and KGLW, so can't complain!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"kn*b" lmao

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Don't like this trend. I'm resigned to the fact that an ALP majority is very unlikely but I'm hoping LNP stay well below 76 seats. Independents will have a huge bearing on this election.

Also, I had big fears about Bill Shorten and his lack of charisma in 2019, so seeing Dutton do so well in polls is a huge head scratcher. Politics aside he does not present as a leader at all.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Can we please re-elect Wilson Tucker (the guy who accidentally won a seat with 98 votes while living in the US at the time) as an MLC? It'd be hilarious, and he's actually pretty solid policy too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Fairly small, if you make a circle with your thumb and pointer that's pretty spot on.


Grumpy, dumpy, and gorgeous! I'm so lucky to have these nearby. They spend most of their lives underground but when it rains in October-November you can hear them call as they start to emerge.


First of all, see what candidates are on the ballot for your electorate - most electorates only have about half a dozen, so please do your own research and make up your minds.

That said, I've spent a while trawling through the various party websites, so I thought I may as well share a brief overview to help you avoid the 'cookers' if you so wish! I'll try not to be too biased but to be fair, some of these parties/independents are hilarious.

Legislative assembly (your electorate may have some independents too):

  • Animal Justice Party: What it says on the tin, their policy mostly resolves around reducing animal suffering. Aside from being understandably preachy, they have some light but sensible policy around housing, transport, corruption, and health.

  • Australian Christians: I'm shocked at how openly homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic their website is. But yeah, pretty horrifying overall, their sole environmental policy is to "wisely steward the environment God has given us". Also want heavy regulation of the internet (i.e. to ban porn).

  • Legalise Cannabis Party WA: It's in the name, they're a one issue party that want to legalise cannabis. Worth mentioning that they are no longer affiliated with Sophia Moermond.

  • Liberal Party Western Australia: Well, you probably know about them even though they're a minor party for now. They haven't actually released much state-level policy to the public as far as I can tell, which is super weird before an election. Worth noting that the candidate for Central Wheatbelt refused to unfollow a white supremacist, and one of their flagship candidates is a TV show presenter known for getting on the bags in Perth nightclubs in the 2000s.

  • Libertarian Party: Guns, crypto, cookers. Pretty woeful housing/environment policy, plus their website is openly transphobic and has kinda racist undertones. Doesn't really have much in the way of state-level policy, but calls to "abolish the federal department of education". I guess if you like what Musk is doing to the US, this is the party for you...?

  • Pauline Hanson's One Nation: Pretty openly racist and transphobic, big on guns and conspiracy rhetoric. I was kinda surprised to see that they're big supporters of social housing and increasing hospital funding, but yeah, probably doesn't make up for the rest of their policy.

  • Shooters, Fishers and Farmers: They don't use an oxford comma in their name, but aside from that they're true to their name - they really like guns, fishing, and agriculture. Very light on any environmental, social, economic, or housing policy.

  • Stop pedophiles! Protect kiddies!: Formerly the Democratic Labour Party. A bit of a loose unit of a party, but generally pretty anti-environmentalist, anti-drugs, anti-vax, anti-abortion. Not much in the way of relevant state-based policy such as housing, but they support high speed rail between the capital cities.

  • Sustainable Australia Party - Anti-Corruption: Their policy is remarkably similar to the Greens, generally supporting science-based practice and pretty leftist policy. Their main difference with the Greens is (a) being less focused on social policy, and (b) supporting reduced immigration. They seem to be pretty anti-immigration rather than anti-immigrant though, which is a pretty important distinction. I haven't gotten any problematic undertones from their website but curious to know what other people reckon.

  • The Greens (WA) Inc: The major leftist party; supports climate action, the arts, indigenous rights, social housing, diversified economy, education funding, more accessible public health, corruption reform, and transport infrastructure. Pretty aggressive advocates for socially progressive policies. Generally a big 'science' party, although they haven't shaken a few minor "hippy" stances that have been around since the inception of the party (mostly being anti-GMO, anti-nuclear). I will say they have, by far, the best website for communicating their policy at easy-to-read format but with a very high level of detail, and they really do have policies for everything.

  • The Nationals WA: They target regional seats and their policy is all about the regions. That said, they're pretty unclear on what their policies are other than pretty vague notions of "looking out for the regions". They are very pro-gun though.

  • WA Labor: The incumbents that have been in power since 2017 - not much needs to be said. They have pretty detailed policy but it's hidden in a 300-page PDF filled with jargon. IMO the big notable omission is any corruption or integrity policy.

Legislative council independents:

  • Louise Kingston: Ex-nationals, left due to 'bullying'. Very little policy publicly available, but seems to be a kinda "protect your freedoms!!!" kinda vibe.

  • Sophia Moermond: Ex-Legalise Cannabis, left due to her disdain for offshore wind power. Seems to be running a campaign mostly based around anti-vax rhetoric, although still supports drug reform and has a few sensible policies about housing and education.

  • Wilson Tucker: Ex-Daylight Savings, and currently holds a seat with only 98 votes despite living in the US at the time of the last election! Despite being an 'accidental politician', I'm actually kinda sold on this guy, has pretty solid environmental, economic, and social policy. Also has a big focus on the housing crisis and getting mining money out of state government. It'd be pretty hilarious if this guy got voted in again.

  • Aussie Trump: The name tells you all you need to know. Was once involved with Labor, then joined One Nation but got kicked out for 'being unprofessional'. Doesn't really seem to be have any policy as far as I can tell, but is pretty vocally anti-vax and has a violence restraining order. Delightful.

  • Christiane Smith: Pretty vague about her policy but it seems to have fairly conservative/christian undertones. She's big on agriculture and "cutting red tape".

  • Adrian McRae: God there are some characters here. This is the Putin guy. Used to be involved with the 'Great Australian Party', and is yet another anti-vax candidate without much clear policy.

This wasn't meant to be too serious. Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong about anything, not going to engage with any cookers though (Lemmy seems to be a pretty down-to-earth place however!)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Crystallise it and show us the structure lol

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Acrylamide is a nasty neurotoxin. Look at old protein biochemists and their hands all shake from years of making SDS-PAGE gels without gloves.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yep, I'm not a photographer by any means but I like recording all the different herps I find as best I can - cheers!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Excited to check it out, should be some nice habitat for our local frogs and birds!

Hope to see this kinda stuff all along the swan river one day.


They get their name because their call sounds like a banjo! A commonly heard, but not often seen frog native to Southwest Australia. They spend a lot of their lives burrowed underground or under leaf litter.


Maybe not his proggiest album but I'm still really enjoying PowerNerd and this is the highlight for me. It feels like the most lyrically direct album Devin has made in a good 20 years or more.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Supports renewables, and has been campaigning for the major parties to show all their donations. Been talking about the housing crisis a lot while listening to community perspectives. Only major issue has been she back flipped on the live export ban (originally supported a ban, then went against at the 11th hour) which kinda upset both sides (and the vast majority of Curtin supports the ban).

But aside from that she's done a really good job at coming across as a human being first and a politician second, you always see her out and about.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Kate Chaney isn't perfect by any means but gotta be the best Curtin has seen. So refreshing to hear a politician campaign about integrity and transparency.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Snorkelling around South Cottesloe, been seeing heaps of octopi lately


Looking perpetually angry 😠


Aka Bleating Froglets


Now that we've had some time to digest Flight b741, curious to see how it ranks for everyone!

Of course it varies a bit day to day, but I'll have a go... honestly I really like them all, bar the bottom two!

  • I'm In Your Mind Fuzz
  • Polygondwanaland
  • Nonagon Infinity
  • Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms, and Lava
  • Butterfly 3000
  • Omnium Gatherum
  • Petrodragonic Apocalypse
  • Changes
  • Fishing For Fishies
  • Murder of the Universe
  • Flying Microtonal Banana
  • Quarters!
  • Float Along ~ Fill Your Lungs
  • Infest The Rats' Nest
  • K.G.
  • Flight b741
  • L.W.
  • Gumboot Soup
  • Sketches of Brunswick East
  • Laminated Denim
  • The Silver Cord
  • Paper Mache Dream Balloon
  • Oddments
  • Made In Timeland
  • 12 Bar Bruise
  • Eyes Like The Sky

This album came out yesterday! All the music is written by Arjen Lucassen so it should be of interest to Ayreon fans.

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