wlogout. i have a keybind set to screenshot + blur the background. icons are hand drawn
it's 'lf' and my dotfiles for that are included. i use Kitty as a terminal on Linux and iTerm2 on macos, both can display images pretty well.
Budlight not hitting target profit margins doesn't do shit for our material conditions.
your whole second paragraph is literally not consumer-side activism. that's top-down.
you can embarrass the consumer out of Coke. they'll just buy Pepsi.
Consumer-side activism is a liberal ploy.
i largely teach blossoming activists that consumer-side activism is an ineffective liberal ploy
i post my code to github so ppl will fix it for me because im just a artist
Pantheism/panentheism/Spinoza's God
found God through philosophy. now i'm deeply obsessed with Kaballah, Rosicrucians, and esoteric christianity. and Dmt.
Christ Consciousness (ego death) is good. institutional religion is corrupt.
Christianity is a leftist tradition.