Backyard Chickens (and Other Birds)

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[Were you a mod of backyard chickens on Reddit? Message me if you're interested in modding here.]

This is a community for people who keep chickens in their back yard. This includes pets, layers, and meaties at levels that are sub-industrial. Family farms and homesteads are included.


The Fediverse is small. There probably aren't enough people here to make up a community for every type of bird that someone might keep so for now, everyone is welcome. Bring us your ducks and geese, turkeys and quail, Guineas and Peacocks, emus and parrots. The community will be focused on chickens but until there are enough of each bird community for their own community they will find care and comfort here.


There may be discussions of animal processing. This is part of chicken keeping. If you don't like it leave and block the community.

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  1. All rules apply here.

  2. Everyone (see rules 4 and 98) is welcome.

  3. If you've seen a question 100 times answer it the 101st time or ignore it. Even better, write a complete, detailed answer and suggest that the mod(s) pin it to the community.

  4. There will be ZERO tolerance for shaming, brigading, harassment, or other nonsense of those who keep and process chickens. You will be permanently banned the first time.

  5. No, it's not a calcium deficiency. Wrinkled eggs are the result of insufficient or insufficiently viscous albumen. Tiny eggs and missing shells are misfires. They happen.

  6. If you post a picture that includes a dead animal or blood mark it NSFW. We're not going to tolerate the militant anti-hunting and anti-farming bullshit here but we're also not going to tolerate people rubbing their hunting and harvesting in people's faces. See rule 98. If you post blood, gore, or dead animals and don't mark it NSFW it will be removed and you might be banned.

[Did you actually think there were 98 rules?]

  1. If you present something as fact and are asked to provide proof or a source provide proof or a source. Proof must be from a reliable source. If you fail to provide proof or a source your post or comment may be removed.

  2. Don't be a dick. Yes, this is a catch-all rule.

  3. The mod(s) have the final say.

founded 2 years ago
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/backyardchickens

Greetings! I’m new here!

I just got notice from the city that a chicken license (one of 10 for a town of 15,000 people) came up and I’m first on the waiting list! So exciting! Please excuse the excited tangents.

We had chickens when I was 8-14, so I have a rough idea of the care involved, and am not overly concerned about the long-term maintenance. Since that was like 20+ years ago, however, I’ve been doing a lot of looking, just to brush up. Ultimately tho they have been kept for most of human history so I’m sure I can manage. :)

However, my experience, and most resources, are for larger flocks than I’m allowed, as well as more… comfortable climates.. so I’m here to ask some questions and learn.

This question is about the coop, because the run and access to various things is pretty well handled, but building it right is going to be important. I’d really rather not wake up after a snowstorm to clucksicles.

The location for it is going to be next to the garage, on the northeast side near the back, close to the warehouse behind me, and my house shadow falls there in the morning, garage afternoon, so the coop itself will be blocked from direct sun year round (there’s nowhere I can put it in the sun and be compliant with city regulations). They will have a huge run in full sun, however, and this location, coupled with the warehouse behind my property, is an effective wind block for the direction wind usually comes from.

I live in usda hardiness zone 4 (coldest temp between -20 and -30 f (-28 to -34 c)), and will be choosing a breed with that in mind, but I want to provide them with a really good shelter, too. I don’t want to use a heat source, so I’ll be insulating it quite heavily, but since I’ll be hatching them myself and interacting with them heavily, I’m not opposed to bringing them into the basement if the weather is looking really bad.

So my question given that I can have up to 6 (so I’ll have 6) and it gets really cold sometimes is this: should I build a full size coop I can walk in, so that if it’s amazingly cold they can comfortably exist inside for however long they want? Or should I build a smaller elevated coop with space under it for them to use, so they have a smaller space to warm up with body heat? Can they be trained to use doggy doors?

Egg Size (
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/backyardchickens

So my eggs are usually pretty set in size, and it is hard to tell in the photo but one of my hens missed a day (unusual for her) and I assumed it was because it was cold and maybe she'd slow her laying as I am used to raising chickens in Florida, and now in the Nashville area so it has been in the 20s at night lately. The next day she laid this mammoth egg. This batch(?) of chickens is young so I getting to know them still. Should I be concerned for any reason about this, or is it possible she is still growing and is just going to lay Jumbo sized eggs in the future?

Bumblefoot (
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/backyardchickens

Well, it happened. We have a bird with bumblefoot.

So I've been looking at what needs to be done. All the home treatment options are within my skill set from doing human wound care as a nurse's assistant.

But should I do it is still a question. All the online stuff seems to be biased purely in favor of that, and while it seems to be true, I can't help but want to make sure it isn't malarkey.

So, any of you folks have any input? For it, against it, or specific preferences as to which methods to use?

Again, I've handled similar situations with humans, including the removal of deep "kernels" or roots from cysts and abcesses, so I know I can do the job right, I'm just wanting to make sure I should do it myself rather than have the hen dealing with the added stress of travel and the vet visit.


Has anyone had a whiteish mass in their egg before? I looked online and some people said it's intestinal lining some said ovary parts. Not sure, but it looks too big to be the white strandy stuff.


First I want to say hello, I have only 3 lovely chickens to start off with as I learn the ropes.

Secondly, my neighbours son is absolutely obsessed with the chickens. It's really nice, but he is also feeding them huge amounts of wild bird seed and I'm a little worried. There are mounds of the stuff being poured over the fence!

I have spoken to his parents nicely and asked them to stop him doing so, which they understand.

In case this doesn't get resolved quickly, is there any danger that this can cause harm to my chickens?


They also have a friend


We lost several chickens this year to predators so no more free roaming. My old run was too small for the flock so I fenced in what used to be our garden and turned it over to the dinosaurs. The old run will accommodate our pullets until they are bigger and can run with the rest of the herd.


Current setup: We have four beautiful hens. We have a small ( metal container right now in our chicken run. It's set up on a small wooden platform that I built, and it sits on top of a water heater that turns on/off via a timer during the cold months (similar to this but different brand/model It works, but it's not a great solution.


  • It is maybe 1.5 years old max, and it already starting to rust along the bottom where they drink from.
  • 3 gallons is ok, but we don't have running water out near the chicken run, and so we need to bring this back and forth to the house to fill it up. It's fine in warm months (can fill from the hose), but it sucks in the winter since I need to bring it inside and fill it in the tub in our basement.
  • Even 4-5 inches off the ground, they kick a lot of dirt, feathers, and probably chicken shit in here. I spray it out clean with each re-fill.
  • The heater barely works to thaw out the bottom so they can drink. It works, but often I find I still need to go out with some warm water to break up the ice a bit.

What I'd like:

  • Bigger container
  • Doesn't rust
  • Rain water collection?

I'm open to any suggestions on products or DIY projects to help improve this for our chickens. Below is a picture of our chicken run so y'all can see what I have to work with.

So, cool chicken-havers of Lemmy... Do you have any suggestions on how I can up my game here? Especially any recommendations on how I can do something to collect rainwater for this. Any guides that may have worked well for you. I'm open to any information.

First egg! (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/backyardchickens

We got a Tetra hen from a friend who can't keep it anymore yesterday. Fortunately we were looking to get a couple of chickens anyways, so we had purchased a used coop some weeks ago.

To our surprise, our cute new chicken, Clémentine gave us an egg already on the first morning. What a nice surprise.

Don't worry, we won't keep it alone for too long, we're looking to get one or two more friends.


They are going out to the run in the next week or two, I am building a new run for our older chickens this week so we can keep them separated for now.


We would have had 24 with these guys but we lost a hen last week to a predator so 23 it is (for now). The plan is basically to add 6 (NY minimum for buying chicks) every year and expand the coop as needed.


We just got a batch of ten baby chicks! Two days old and they are already having a blast climbing and jumping off a little rock and sticks. This batch are all females, and are a random variety of "exotic" chickens. When their real feathers grow in it'll be fun to figure out what breeds we got!

They are just in an XL dog crate with foil insulation around the bottom edge, and a red heat lamp hanging from the top of the crate. I don't know if the foil actually helps retain any heat, but it does keep the chicks from escaping. It's a high security henitentiary.


I have 5 hens and 1 hen is bullying all of the other chickens. What are some ways I can prevent this?


Last year my wife and I got 36 American Bresse eggs and hatched them. Out of the ones that hatched we had 2 that have no tail. In fact, when we butchered them their hind end looked like, well, a butt.

Has anyone else ever seen this? Is it a breed thing or maybe an incubation issue? None of the others had any unusual issues.


My wife had to run off to the other end of the country very suddenly yesterday. She had planned to process two boxes of late season tomatoes. It fell to me to get it done. I diced them up and put them in the freezer so that she can make sauce when she gets back.

The big guy thinks that any time I'm at the butcher block in the morning I must be slicing ham. He loves ham. I told him I was working on tomatoes but he was quite persistent about making sure that I wasn't slicing ham. I even showed him a chunk of tomato and he went away but he came back 5 minutes later to see if I was still not slicing ham.

Chicken treats = happy chickens and more eggs.

The chickens love the trimmings and rejects. They were very excited when I let them out this morning and they found a bunch of tomatoes in their yard.


Yeah. Exactly.


French fries and homemade roasted turkey gravy topped with our own roasted Bronze Orlopp turkey, homemade bread dressing, and fried eggs from our backyard chickens.

Thanksgiving poutine!



We had a bit of rain these few days. 110ish mm over the last 14 days, 25 of which decided to check in on us yesterday. So our run got flooded.

Not having the space for a truck load of woodchips, nor the time to spare, I got a couple of 23kg bales of sawdust. BTW .6USD pr kg for sawdust, what's wrong with the world?

The chickens were quite perplexed as to the bale when it arrived, and definitely not sold on it either when I had spread it out, pic in comments. I'm going to see how it works before spreading another one.

Usually I don't have to pump water from this area before November, but I guess that life ain't fair and the world is mean, so we started the pump this morning. Next 5 months (we'll I guess it'll be 6 months if luck be) we'll be pumping about 26m^3 from this area daily.

There's a Danish children's song that starts with something like "The farmer is always busy on his farm" and then lists the chores. I wonder why I that was stuck in my head as I wandered about the hardware store looking for bedding material.


Just casually came across this. We are getting chickens next week. Never had them before. So anything I should know going in ?


And I'm a noob with chickens.

So far, we have a fairly reliable outside temp above 50 up until January, through February, where the temps here in the uplands can get freezing or below.

We have an indoor enclosure for our girl (soon to be girls, dammit), but she isn't fond of it tbh. Raises a ruckus when in it overnight due to fowl weather

So, I'm hoping to get some advice for what kind of temp ranges I should be keeping her inside, or otherwise with more than just the coop's protection from the elements.

Thanks in advance, valar morgallus

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by MapleEngineer to c/backyardchickens

We ordered broilers from a different hatchery this year. I don't think we got what we expected to get.


He and the six heaviest girls will be sticking around to keep us in meat chickens. I've really enjoyed raising these guys.

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