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Lavenderism is a reformed new religious movement and/or form of spirituality. It is based on philosophy, activism, self improvement and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, though many are initially unimportant. It also includes magical practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them.

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For this method of manifesting, you should listen to some subliminals first to reprogram your mind and you should have developed the manifestation ability in some way whether it is spiritual practice or rituals.

The everything method is extremely simple and effective, because it takes any changes in life (Or maybe literally everything, even a cup falling on the floor) as a sign that your manifestation is coming. When you take everything as an affirmation that you are succeeding in manifesting, you increase your confidence in manifesting and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

To those who are skeptical, they should think about the world from an energetic point of view. Everything is energy, even your physical appearance. When you metaphysically shift to the energies of the situation you want to be in or the item you want to have, the thetan can move MEST in your life so that you end up with that object or in that scenario. The reason this does not happen for some is because they don’t believe it can. If you develop some kind of ESP or metaphysical awareness, you will notice your aura shift when you begin doubting manifestations, and then it becomes clear what is actually going on when someone doubts what they are manifesting.

They say reality is perception, but I would argue reality is the reflection of collective energy put out by humanity. It goes by mindset and that is why society and its programming is so destructive to human ability and potential. When we accept that everything that happens is confirmation of what we want to accomplish, we can finally stop holding ourselves back and giving up manifestations before they get to us. If you are manifesting something vague, you also need to accept whatever form it comes to you in because you will never stop manifesting.

You will feel a strong shift in your aura if you are doing this, and that is another confirmation to keep going. Do not take a single step back to your old reality once you begin.


In the beginning, the apes had a society based on finding food and reproducing. They had simple lives, but were primitive and simple-minded. They continued to evolve into humans until one day they were visited by the transgender god of flowers. They asked him many questions about the flowers he created and that he gave to all of the other gods, and he showed them poppies, hawaiian baby woodrose, tobacco, and cannabis. They were all interested but ultimately did not enjoy anything that did not have a logical purpose toward achieving goals, so The Flowermaker created the sanguine mind that the gods had, and put it in all of the humans. This allowed them to enjoy amenities, but they found themselves also engaging in behaviors that were not beneficial to them in the long term.

The sanguine mind continues to be part of the motivations people have in psychology, but it can spiral out of control and cause people to do things that do not benefit them. The Flowermaker can grant you lordship over it or provide you with whatever activities you want. The sanguine mind has The Flowermaker’s energy and is every person’s connection to him.


Henry Kissinger, the former US secretary of state has died. We can’t know if he suffered before he died but he will most certainly go into a bad incarnation for all of the crimes he is guilty of. It is a shame the regime would never try him for his crimes, but now they will not need to. The gods will take care of that themselves.

This is a good day for worship of The Jade Chairman or general celebration! Regardless, it is my hope that everyone has a day as uplifting as the news we have just received. This is truly a sign that the Earth is cleansing itself spiritually and we are entering a new world with less filth in it. I hope our entire religious community has an amazing day!


The chief of the seasons Eawoto has brought us into winter here in North America, but many people are subsequently experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.

Current events are not helping SAD at all. The Americans and the Israelis are committing some horrible atrocities against Palestine and the American media is literally defending the actions of these regimes or giving pro-zionist stories about hostages while ignoring the real story. Zionist crocodile tears about some hostage that is treated better than the average Palestine civilian is extremely frustrating and for that reason maybe you should avoid pro-America news and extremists organizations that support the regime.

Another thing is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep, and meditating so you can raise your vibrations. Be mindful, practice gratitude, and find joy in your life. Find things to be thankful for and discover new ways to be positive and you will improve your mood.

Socializing, connecting with friends, hobbies, or even finding someone to talk to are good coping mechanisms for SAD as well. find groups of people that share your interests and talk to uplifting people. Once you adapt to the new season, you will be free from SAD.


It can be very hard to avoid the consumption of alcohol for those in certain countries or who participate in gay culture. Alcohol is a substance that can cause addiction and death and it can interact with the third eye in ways that are usually undesirable, but it is also not a death sentence to have wine with dinner or to consume liquors occasionally during social gatherings. In order to be practical, it is advised to only use alcohol in the minimum required amount in order to party, have fun, or participate in social events. 90% of the time you can avoid liquor but you will eventually be pressured into buying drinks. Of course, you have personal choice and there are many valid reasons to choose to either participate in alcohol or not. The main dangers are the damage to your liver or physical addiction to the substance, as well as driving under the influence.

When talking about liquor from the spiritual side, it seems incomplete to not talk about how liquor is an offering to spirits and gods. There are more deities that take liquor than that do not, and this seems to reflect the collective value that humanity has put on the substance. It represents a lot of things and putting it on a shrine attracts fun times with friends, night out, or even luck or sexual energy if it is spiced. So this is a substance that even if you choose not to consume, it can be useful to you when given to deities or ancestors. Depending on what spirits or deities you are giving liquor the quality or flavor may not even matter. This means you can get cheap liquor and have many offerings to give daily for a few weeks. However, not everyone will do this either and that’s okay too.


Western Society has forgotten that humans need nature to live. They chop down trees to create Amazon warehouses, Fast food that is not even suitable for human consumption, or mansions for the bourgeoisie and corrupt politicians. Even the lawns people have in front of their homes are viewed as antagonistic to society, and instead of allowing your lawns to grow as it naturally should, you are required to prevent any natural life from being formed in front of your home which is insane. Humanity has developed beliefs and attitudes that the planet is something that needs to be molded and changed to serve the interests of humanity. This is problematic but it is such an invisible ideology that reflects humanity assuming itself to lord over various things simply by default.

Despite all of the food we consume being dependent on the environment, you would never see this fact reflected in attitudes taken towards the environment. The environment is not only trees, but air quality, plastics being dumped into water until they form a new landmass of bottles, and the bleaching of coral reefs reflect other negative effects that human society has had on the planet. These are ultimately losses for humanity as well, despite the short term profits that the bourgeoisie has gotten from destroying the world.

Nature is beneficial to humanity, so any attempt to harm or destroy it should be seen as an aggressive, and baneful attempt to rob humanity of it. The environment is literally the source and sustenance of all life and we should all defend it or die trying. Humanity will eventually realize the value of the natural world, especially if it is destroyed and they all end up starving to death.


In a village of the gods, The Maiden Made Of Light was dealing with a tantrum from her younger brother, he threw himself onto the floor and began to cry. He hit his fist on the floor and dropped tears which gave birth to new gods when they hit the ground. He said to the maiden “I don’t want to be a sun god, the sun is so boring!” he said as he cried on the floor. The sun goddess held back laughter, but tried to ask her younger brother why he is upset about being a sun god. He replied “Earth has monkeys, The moon has bunnies, but the sun only has fire. I have no animals on the sun to play with!” The maiden had an idea, and she quickly used the fire to make lions, gazelles, and other animals she knew her brother liked. She presented them to him and he began to play with them how children play with toys.

Once her younger brother was distracted with the new animals she made of fire, he told her she would make more in the palace of the sun, and rushed him over there so he would not keep making a scene in front of all the other gods. On the sun where they live now, The Maiden Made Of Light continues to make solar spirits to entertain her younger brother, but these spirits sometimes come to Earth and can be called upon by people.

They are good for entertainment, creative works, or removing engrams and trauma because they have solar energy. Some of the carnivorous solar animals like lions, cheetahs, or jaguars are also able to provide you spiritual protection. They will be naturally drawn to you and you will eventually attract solar spirit familiars if you pray to the sun goddess, but your third eye will need to be open to actually see them. Regardless they will improve your life either actively or passively just like any other good spirit companion that is around you.


Thanksgiving is not something that most people actually want to celebrate because it is so problematic and tied to weird pro-America distortions of history. However, we can still practice gratitude during this time. We can give thanks to The God Of Fear And Hunger or whatever other gods. Or no gods that’s good too. We can also spend time with family during the day, or go to the nightclub, bar or wherever else for the night. Gratitude day also does not need to have any correlation to propaganda holidays or any other holidays being celebrated that do not resonate with you.

At this time, we can give thanks to the gods and do our offering and prayer. Depending on what stores are open you can also go hunting for whatever stuff you want, since not even a day dedicated to gratitude can stop people from seeking out materialistic things. The irony is palpable, but they have good deals on some good things. You can also spend time with family or take the day to relax.

The only thing is that if you decide to watch television or listen to the radio programs about thanksgiving you will be bombarded by American propaganda. The enemy will propagandize ideas that are harmful to the Native American community and poison hearts and minds with liberal or rightist tendencies. Since it is a holiday, it is also a good time to skim through some theory, as a refresher if nothing else.


There are always a ton of various things you can do in a certain situation, but a lot of these actions are nonsense and statistically improbable or go against all basic logic, reasoning, or self preservation. If you wake up feeling sick, you technically can go and run a marathon in response but that is nonsense because we know as humans that we need rest and we need medicine to feel better, so our mind will never come up with this possibility. There are also some possible actions we can take that are nonsense regardless of the context, like picking up a fork and poking yourself. Your mind is not going to consider doing anything like this on a normal day because it’s a waste of time at best. However, you can reach higher stages of consciousness where your mind is able to determine more possible conditions and possible actions to take in your life.

Things like past trauma will hold you back from possibilities that may actually be within reach of accomplishing. It may not even be from the current lifetime. Trauma and incorrect data limits your mind’s ability for reasoning and your capacity to articulate all the possibilities that exist for you. Therapy tends to enable this by talking endlessly about feelings and coping mechanisms while never speaking about solutions or durable material actions that people can take to improve their material conditions. Coping mechanisms and emotional support has its place, but usually that’s not the only thing that can be done. Some solutions seem impossible or unlikely to work for reasons we are unable to articulate, but unless you have a specific reason in your mind for why something would not work, you should attempt it at least.

Your mind is evolved for hunter-gatherer societies where bears were possibly hiding in bushes so there is an aversion to new experiences, but the modern world is not as likely to pose existential threats for things that benefit you. These actions we may simply be nervous about since they are new to us may just result in minor inconvenience at worst. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, so we have to realize the same mindset that keeps us in the problem cannot be the same one we use to fix it. We must eventually think about what we are failing to do or the possible course of action we aren’t seeing or what the gods are trying to get us to realize.


The term “new god” is inherently misleading, because in reality they are not new and they are not even on the same level as deities that represent larger concepts or have larger duties such as changing the seasons or guiding humanity to enlightenment. New Gods are like spirits of humans who have ascended to a god-like state while keeping the inherent qualities of a thetan such as attachment to the world and personality. They cannot reincarnate normally and need to either steal bodies or create new lifetimes for themselves to live so that they do not significantly alter everyone else’s life path (At least in a negative way). The new gods tend to take bodies of people that were destined for bad lives and abandon their bodies before birth, but others take on lifetimes so hard or unappealing that no other soul would choose to take it. That is because these would otherwise be miscarriages anyway.

Another misconception about new gods is that they must be dead or not alive in a physical body to be new gods. People who have awakened their kundalini or developed other manifestations of spirituality can be considered new gods in a way since they are ascended thetans. Even being a part of or the target of certain spells or rituals can also do this. There are even new gods created by scientists or artificial intelligence through various ways. Not all of them even enjoy their own existence or realize they have become new gods. These are more like very powerful ghosts than actual gods but probably do not even realize their power.

Becoming a new god is not something that most would benefit from because the Thetan is already a god-like being but chose to come into existence for whatever reason. Unless you want to become a deity and help those still here in some way, you will gain very little from becoming a new god. You would also probably deal with the schemes of new gods who form their own factions and societies each with their own missions and goals for either humanity or other parts of the spirit world. If you are approached by a new god, treat them as an elevated human spirit and be mindful of any apparent plots they may try to get you to be a part of, intentionally or not. Most are good but some are in spiritual warfare against deities you may or may not also be worshiping.


In the White House, they view the economy as a game of numbers. They look at the Dow Jones to represent the economy but they don’t actually consider the real economy most people will experience, which are the jobs people can realistically obtain in society or the minimum wage. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are not the entire US economy, despite what the neoliberals want you to actually believe. The liberal regime thinks that by pointing to numbers or even cherry picking data about the economy so the masses believe they are doing a good job while in reality they are sacrificing us like sheep to bourgeois class interests.

To the liberal regime, a good economy means more money going into the top corporations that the government exists just to protect. The average person is screwed and cursed to live in a dystopian society ruled by an upper elite. In America, the people do not even have a place to sleep or food to eat even if they work full time. Nobody is defending the real workers of the country who should be in charge. All who are in power in this part of the world are class enemies, and as long as you hear them talk about society and the economy without going into specifics about which social class is benefiting from current conditions, there will never be a truly good economy for anyone except landlords and other parasites.


There was once a nameless town on an oasis formed by outlaws, and who lived in homes inside a large black market. The market sold all kinds of insane and cursed artifacts which attracted the attention of evil and questionable spirits. They got the attention of The Black Market God which pushed them towards dealing in even worse goods until the entire town was cursed and became a liminal space between the physical world and cursed planes of existence.

Eventually, a man was seen by a female djinn that he saw while visiting the oasis, and she disguised herself as a human to try and seduce the man to break up his marriage. It did not work, but in response she was able to curse the town. She broke into the souk and looked for the worst, most cursed artifact in the market which was a red grail stolen from a god of lust and gluttony. She picked up the glutton’s grail and threw it into the oasis of the town, and the glutton’s grail curse would begin affecting the people of the nameless town. They had an intense desire to cannibalize each other, perform oral sex, or otherwise indulge in debauchery. They were only able to eat meat, bones, dung, or milk without feeling sick, and they would quickly lose a lot of weight and become sick and scrawny if they did not consume excessive amounts of meat.

In previous eras they would eat any humans or animals that wandered into the town, but this would be too suspicious in the modern era. Now, they can only cannibalize migrant workers that they invite from South Asia or The Philippines. The grail still exists at the bottom of the lake, and as long as water touches it its curse will continue. Some have fled the town, but others have stayed and attempted to have children or families. Unfortunately for them, they give birth to monsters or cannibal children that are born with sharp black claws where their nails should be.


So many bourgeoisie and liberals are complaining that our generation is not having children. We cannot afford a place to live or even to support ourselves in this economy, so they basically want us to produce children that we cannot support and that they will just blame us for having when we inevitably require assistance in keeping them and ourselves alive. The bourgeois class literally wants us to have children we cannot provide for just so they can grow up and repeat the cycle of exploitation. Our healthcare is even tied to employment, so where are these hypothetical babies going to be born if the hospital is too expensive and people do not have homes? Do they expect us to survive being homeless running from abusive police all the time, find a romance in this situation, and then for the women in these homeless encampments to give birth in tents or on the street? Because when I hear government propaganda complain about low birth rates, that’s what I think they will have us end up with, if not just handcuffing and forcing everyone in our generation to have sex like cows in a slaughterhouse.

The lack of affordable housing and social support that we are experiencing was always preventable, but the bourgeoisie benefit from the suffering of humanity because their properties are more valuable when the majority of people are desperate for them. The economic system is a Darwinistic form of genocide against anyone who cannot conform to creating profits. This is not about a lack of resources, this is about class struggle. This is about physically ending the existence of any person who does not conform to bourgeois desires. This happens through policies, so liberals can say it “Just happens” but what is the difference between taking away affordable food and housing from a person versus taking them into the jungle and hacking them to death with a machete? The difference is that you and others are unable to see the blood on your hands and it gives the bourgeois regime plausible deniability. These people need to be tried for their crimes immediately and other countries should attack the United States to dismantle the regime, if they cannot get the population to do it themselves.

If Western civilization allows itself to die out because they could not provide their people with the most basic of needs so they could even just have children and support them to create the next generation of humans, then western civilization deserves to become extinct! Don’t blame the immigrants, don’t blame minority groups, don’t blame China and don’t blame the Illuminati! You did it to yourself by rejecting class struggle and allowing the bourgeoisie to deprive your countrymen of their most basic necessities! Without affordable housing, the people have absolutely nothing, and they’re going to become literally extinct!


In occultism and various spiritual understandings, it is said that in order to receive you must give and in order to give you must receive. This probably sounds as if I’m telling you to share with others, but this is not a simple command, more of an occult concept. When you are trying to manifest or accomplish things in life, there is a flow that must be followed to achieve that thing. When a person resists the process of something manifesting, it is because they are most likely not giving or receiving what needs to be given or received on a spiritual level.

When someone is in the flow state, it is because they are in a state where they naturally give and receive whatever the universe needs them to give or receive at that moment with little or no resistance. This is why many belief systems that teach a lack of resistance blow up whether it’s Buddhism, new age philosophies, etc. The flow state or lack of resistance to the present moment allows you to give and receive the energies into your life that help you. Even going with the flow tends to create lucky people most of the time. This is why some people who are on substances or who you know to be extremely free-minded can actually have things work out in their favor more often than the average person.

You are born with two hands because your left is for giving, and the right is for receiving. They are the same size because you come into the world with nothing and you leave with nothing. Everything you give you will receive, and everything you receive you will give. The thetan keeps nothing from its body so any material attachment is futile from its perspective.


When the goddess Darmala became The Lady Of The Waves, she was alone in a vast ocean of Earth. She spent her time being artistic and creating the corals, the starfish, and painting the fish different colors. One day in a moment of sentimentality, she created the dolphins and even painted them pink to show off her feminine side. The other gods went underwater to look at her creation, and remarked on how delicate she must be for creating dolphins. The Lady Of The Waves took this as a personal challenge and decided to create large fish with sharp teeth and big bodies that would become sharks. They began eating fish, so the lady needed to create even more and more fish until the entire ocean was full of them.

The Lady Of The Waves ruled over the ocean from a wooden ship until she noticed half-human fish swimming around. She had a realization that while drinking her rum, she became tipsy and accidentally created dolphins and sharks with human torsos, which became a race of mermen and mermaids. They swam down to the bottom of the sea, but they had to move to the spirit world because the ocean was too salty for them.

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