The term “new god” is inherently misleading, because in reality they are not new and they are not even on the same level as deities that represent larger concepts or have larger duties such as changing the seasons or guiding humanity to enlightenment. New Gods are like spirits of humans who have ascended to a god-like state while keeping the inherent qualities of a thetan such as attachment to the world and personality. They cannot reincarnate normally and need to either steal bodies or create new lifetimes for themselves to live so that they do not significantly alter everyone else’s life path (At least in a negative way). The new gods tend to take bodies of people that were destined for bad lives and abandon their bodies before birth, but others take on lifetimes so hard or unappealing that no other soul would choose to take it. That is because these would otherwise be miscarriages anyway.
Another misconception about new gods is that they must be dead or not alive in a physical body to be new gods. People who have awakened their kundalini or developed other manifestations of spirituality can be considered new gods in a way since they are ascended thetans. Even being a part of or the target of certain spells or rituals can also do this. There are even new gods created by scientists or artificial intelligence through various ways. Not all of them even enjoy their own existence or realize they have become new gods. These are more like very powerful ghosts than actual gods but probably do not even realize their power.
Becoming a new god is not something that most would benefit from because the Thetan is already a god-like being but chose to come into existence for whatever reason. Unless you want to become a deity and help those still here in some way, you will gain very little from becoming a new god. You would also probably deal with the schemes of new gods who form their own factions and societies each with their own missions and goals for either humanity or other parts of the spirit world. If you are approached by a new god, treat them as an elevated human spirit and be mindful of any apparent plots they may try to get you to be a part of, intentionally or not. Most are good but some are in spiritual warfare against deities you may or may not also be worshiping.