lemmy stream

40 readers
2 users here now

Welcome to lemmy stream.

I intend this place to be for streamers (small, medium, and large) to post about their channels, videos, and/or giveaways from most platforms (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) also intended for people looking for new streamers to follow. I know, you can stumble upon them on their platforms, but more exposure is better imo.

Starting a channel? Need help with software, platforms, or ideas? Someone may have the answer you need!


founded 3 months ago

Come check out my little VR centric YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/@b4nh4mm3rplays

Live streams are at 5pm eastern mon, wed, fri, 10am and 3pm Sat, 9am and 3pm Sun as a general rule.

There is currently a draw on Friday Nov 8th at 7:10pm eastern for 2 Into the Radius 1 and 1 Into the Radius 2 in my discord server in #giveaways. I also have a Meta store code for 33% off Into the Radius see my latest stream for the code