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Users needing support can also come to our Matrix Space.

Tukea tarvitsevat käyttäjät voivat myös tulla Matrix-tilaamme.

founded 4 years ago

Hello! The upgrade to Lemmy's newest version went fine but images from Sopuli are not currently showing. The upgrade also included pict-rs that takes care of hosting images. The newest pict-rs version requires a database migration to be done in the background, and that's why images are not showing. This is only temporary and should take several hours. Don't panic!

EDIT 15.01.2024: The pict-rs database migration is STILL ongoing, as there is a huge amount of saved images to be handled. This post will be pinned as long as it is ongoing.

EDIT 17.01.2024: The migration is done and images are showing up again.

Hei! Päivitys Lemmyn uusimpaan versioon meni hyvin mutta Sopulin kuvat eivät nyt näy. Päivitys sisälsi myös pict-rs:n, joka hoitaa kuvien tallennuksen. Uusin pict-rs:n versio vaatii taustalla ajettavan tietokannan migraation, ja sen takia kuvat eivät näy. Tämä on vain väliaikaista ja kestää useita tunteja. Älkää panikoiko!

PÄIVITYS 15.01.2024: Pict-rs:n tietokannan migraatio on EDELLEEN käynnissä, koska siinä on iso määrä tallennettuja kuvia käsiteltävänä. Tämä viesti on kiinnitettynä niin pitkään kuin se on käynnissä.

PÄIVITYS 17.01.2024: Migraatio on valmis ja kuvat näkyvät taas.


Hello! Lemmy’s new version 0.19.2 got released few days back and I am planning to upgrade Sopuli today at 16:00 (Finnish time). The instance may be then offline for some time so be prepared!

Update 18:20 : The upgrade is done

Hei! Lemmyn uusi versio 0.19.2 julkaistiin muutama päivä sitten ja suunnittelen päivittäväni Sopulin tänään klo 16:00. Instanssi on tällöin alhaalla jonkin aikaa joten varautukaa!

Päivitys 18:20 : Päivitys on valmis

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hopefully this is the right place for a support request, because this is where the sidebar in Main directed me.

I've been noticing intermittent issues with posting in communities over the past couple of weeks. Occasionally posts will sit with zero votes, comments, etc. for hours, which is unusual, especially for the popular Memes community (even a joke that flops would usually have some downvotes). It seems like these posts may eventually show up for people after many hours, because they'll suddenly start receiving votes and comments, but I can tell that something is off. Is there a known issue?

Example from today (1 person interacted with the post in 5+ hours):

Now that I think about it, I hope this post is visible.


Since 0.19, the federation does not work correctly anymore, and requires regular restart of the Lemmy process (as far as I understand). Just in case you also noticed that it became a bit more empty in here.

On that note, maybe we can postpone future lemmy updates until the most major issues are ironed out? Then we would not suffer so much from these issues in the future :)

Otherwise, thank you a lot for running sopuli, it is a pleasure to be here!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Discussion pro/con encouraged in this thread


Hello! Lemmy's new version 0.19.0 just got released and I am planning to upgrade Sopuli tomorrow at 15:00 (Finnish time). The instance may be then offline for some time during the upgrade so be prepared.

I decided to tell about this beforehand because the update is HUGE and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some problems involved in installation.

EDIT: The upgrade is complete and Sopuli is up!

Hei! Lemmyn uusi versio 0.19.0 julkaistiin juuri ja suunnittelen päivittäväni Sopulin huomenna klo 15:00. Instanssi saattaa olla poissa linjoilta jonkin aikaa päivityksen aikaan, joten varautukaa.

Päätin kertoa tästä etukäteen, koska päivitys on ISO, enkä yllättyisi jos sen asentamisessa olisi jotain ongelmia.

EDIT: Päivitys on valmis ja Sopuli on ylhäällä!


Hi, I have a community on where I have a bot that reposts stuff from Reddit. It got banned though because it turns out reddit reposts aren't allowed on there. Does sopuli have a similar rule or could I migrate my Reddit repost community to here?


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Onko mahdollista? Tuntuu, että instanssin lankoihin kirjoitetut kommentit ei aiheuta mitään aktiivisuutta. Ei kommentteja, ylä- tai alaääniä. Lisäksi lähes kaikki vastaukset tulee muiden instanssien käyttäjiltä.

EDIT: Ei mitään sittenkään. Se olikin ihan tavallinen banni. Kuvittelin, että niistä tulisi ilmoitus.


I've seen some users have animated avatars. I have tried setting a gif and apng as avatar, but it doesn't seem to animate.

How do they do it?


Just transferred all of my subscriptions and blocks from my older, former main account on another instance and I have to say I couldn't be happier that Sopuli is not federated with lemmynsfw and such, my block list for communities was in the four figures over there and here it's hundreds and hundreds less. I'm so happy for being able to scroll All without having to play whack-a-mole with a billion porn communities most of which have and ever will only have the one active person. Every, goddamn, time. I literally had a mental checklist of searchwords I'd go through once a week or two and it'd be dozens and dozens every week and even that didn't cover it.

Just wanted to post if there is ever a question of whether to federate with instances like this. Especially as long as there is no way to block instances. It really makes a maaaasssive difference.


Right now I can't use sopuli via Connect for Lemmy app but the website seems to work fine. Any ideas whether this is a problem with the server or the client? The app just says that is not responding.


Saako täällä mitenkään ladattua koko viestihistoriaa teksitiedostona mieluiten siten, että siinä olisi pelkästään viestit ilman mitään timestamppeja etc.


Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. Hope people are interested!


Hello! Sopuli was offline today for several hours. Free disk space was low so it was expanded, but after that several problems popped up. From a technical standpoint, pict-rs (the service for displaying images) had a problem with corrupted snapshot files which has happened occasionally. The problem just got fixed and Sopuli is up again! I decided to post announcement this in case you wonder whether the instance was down today.

Hei! Sopuli oli tänään poissa linjoilta muutaman tunnin. Vapaa levytila oli vähissä joten sitä laajennettiin, mutta sen jälkeen muutamia ongelmia alkoi ilmestyä. Teknisesti katsottuna pict-rs:ssä (kuvien näyttämisestä vastaava palvelu) oli ongelma viallisten snapshot-tiedostojen kanssa, mikä on tapahtunut satunnaisesti. Ongelma saatiin juuri korjattua ja Sopuli on taas ylhäällä! Päätin laittaa tämän ilmoituksen siltä varalta jos ihmettelette, oliko instanssi tänään alhaalla.


I've noticed for a week or so now that Sopuli has somewhat frequent (almost daily) issues with gateway timeouts. I guess that "web facing" process crashes for some reason, but this got me wondering if the issue is known problem with lemmy or something else and more importantly is there something we could help with?


For couple of hours browsing New/All the feed is filled with spambots advertising porn on a very shady domains. Lemmy doesn't seem to have option to report users so I've been just blocking them (there's not THAT many to block after all) but that got me thinking what would be the best way to report spam accounts and how reporting posts actually work.

If I report a post on sopuli does the notification go to admins at spammers home instance since I don't think sopuli admins can do much for individual users on other host? And if there's any tools (existing or planned) which would help with situations like this?


Sopuli was upgraded to Lemmy’s version 0.18.3 that was released several hours ago. The instance was down several minutes but otherwise the upgrade went well.

Sopuli päivitettiin Lemmyn versioon 0.18.3, joka julkaistiin muutama tunti sitten. Instanssi oli alhaalla jokusen minuutin, mutta muuten päivitys meni hyvin.


My feed is currently being flooded with r/place spam that I could easily hide with a content filter like I did on reddit. Would be really nice to get this feature on the blocked-page.


I made a post on a community on : .

A reply was made to this post that can bee seen when viewed from lemmy .world : , but not when viewed through : and I did not receive a notification of this.

I also noticed that a number of this users posts were missing when viewed from :[email protected] they can be seen when viewed from : .

I have notified the [email protected] and he is contacting the admins at and I thought I should do the same with as I have no idea where the problem is occurring.

Thanks, if there is any other info that might be useful let me know and I will endeavour to help.



Tykästyin käyttämään Lemmyä wefwef-nimisen web-sovelluksen kautta. Nyt vaihdoin puhelinta, mutta WefWef ei annakaan enää kirjautua sisään Sopulin instanssin. Herjaa vaan virheestä ja käskee yrittämään uudestaan.

Onko kellään samanlaista kokemusta ja onko joku löytänyt tähän ratkaisua? Tai olisiko jollakulla suositella appia Lemmyn käyttöön (Reddittiä sekaisin Reddit is fun -sovelluksella)



I always missing posts published on my communities as I almost never notice them in my home feed.

I want to receive a notification each time a new post is available on a community I moderate, even via RSS if not possible on the main interface.


During the last few days several Lemmy instances such as and have come victims of hacking. This hacking happened by exploiting an XSS vulnerability enabled by custom emojis set by an instance. This way the admins' cookies could be captured. A good recap of the incident has been made here.

This vulnerability doesn't concern Sopuli, as we have not enabled our own emojis. Custom emojis set by an instance don't federate with other instances. Even after this incident it may take longer time to enable those. In case you are wondering why you had to login again, I replaced the JWT secret used by the instance with a new one just in case.

Muutaman viime päivän aikana muutamat Lemmy-instanssit kuten ja ovat joutuneet hakkeroinnin uhreiksi. Tämä hakkerointi tapahtui hyödyntämällä instanssin omien emojien mahdollistamaa XSS-haavoittuvuutta. Näin ylläpitäjien evästeet saatiin haltuun. Tapauksesta on tehty hyvä tiivistys täällä.

Tämä haavoittuvuus ei koske Sopulia, koska emme ole ottaneet käyttöön omia emojeja. Instanssin itse asettamat emojit eivät federoidu muiden instanssien kanssa. Tämän tapauksen jälkeenkin niiden käyttöönotossa saattaa kestää pidemmän aikaa. Jos ihmettelette, miksi joudutte kirjautumaan uudestaan, korvasin instanssin käyttämän JWT-käyttöoikeustietueen varuilta uudella.


It seems it originates via custom emojis.. Does we even have any? I saw some saying that removing them helps for now.


cross-posted from:

FYI!!! In case you start getting re-directed to porn sites.

Maybe the admin got hacked?

edit: has also been hacked.


Now with all the discussion going on about Facebook joining the fediverse and what to do about it many people seem to be advocating for defederating with them thinking that they're going to grab all your data and this is the only way to stop them.

I'm not especially educated on the subject but my understanding is that this is not at all what defederating does and also I don't think that's going to stop them from getting the little data that's here publicly available for anyone anyways.

I'm trying to get my head around the entire concept of the fediverse but it seems like there's very few people who actually understand how it works and these people seem entirely absent in these popular threads I'm reading.

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