
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

None of what I'm saying disputes that. I hope Israel will be held accountable for all the crimes they've commited. I don't agree with how, but I agree with why they're doing it. What do you imagine they're even supposed to do? On top of the IDF's disregard, they're commonly used as human shields aswell.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I was replying to

The murder of civilians by intentionally withholding food and water, and blockading all entrances to the area is explicitly a war crime.

I'm not disputing what they're saying. I just get the feeling, that people tend to be quite one-sided when it comes to this issue. I'm not actually even quite sure why I replied to this user in particular, as the message itself I mostly agree with.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Sure people can criticize Hamas, but they’ve done considerably less damage in this conflict.

But is that because they're being much more considerate and careful around civilians than the IDF or is it simply just lack of resources? Imagine if the roles were reversed.

[–] -3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I won’t argue with you, in the same way that I won’t engage in an argument about racism with a piece of shit that uses the N-word, you child-murder justifying fuck.

Yet here you are still arguing.

[–] -5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Made in Gaza: Hamas Rockets the Product of Foreign Aid and Smuggled Material

UN gives them fertilizer to grow food and feed the people. Hamas uses it to make rocket fuel.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Even as a floating platform without engine or solar panels it would still be safer than most other places.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Onko mahdollista? Tuntuu, että instanssin lankoihin kirjoitetut kommentit ei aiheuta mitään aktiivisuutta. Ei kommentteja, ylä- tai alaääniä. Lisäksi lähes kaikki vastaukset tulee muiden instanssien käyttäjiltä.

EDIT: Ei mitään sittenkään. Se olikin ihan tavallinen banni. Kuvittelin, että niistä tulisi ilmoitus.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I don't think my adblocker cares what kind of ads they're trying to show me. If anything their algorithms will just get confused for why this guy who used to be here hours every day now only comes to watch war videos once a day but no longer comments or upvotes anything.


I mean, you aren't trying to survive for the sake of survival itself, right?

What do you do for recreation? To decompress or just to get your mind off the everyday struggle? Board games? Perhaps you've figured out a way to watch movies or listen to music? Is getting drunk or high too much of a risk?


Saako täällä mitenkään ladattua koko viestihistoriaa teksitiedostona mieluiten siten, että siinä olisi pelkästään viestit ilman mitään timestamppeja etc.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Voiko tuollaisen perus 5€ vuorokausiajastimen pistää lämminvesivaraajan töpseliin, että voisi vähän enempi hyötyä halvemmasta yösähköstä? 2KW näyttäisi olevan varaajassa tehoa ja Opalin ajastin tuotetietojen mukaan kestää 3.5KW. Kyseessä on siis aivan tuollainen töpseli seinään varaaja missä ei ole kuin lämpötilansäätönuppi.

Mitenköhän pitkään tuollaisen 100 litran varaajan ylipäätään edes tarvitsee olla päällä vuorokaudessa? Kahden hengen käytössä ei ole vielä ainakaan koskaan loppunut kesken.

Jostain tässä on pakko koittaa säästää kun tuntuu inflaatio kumoavan kaikki jo käytetyt konstit..


To be fair I still do these things but only when I'm alone.

Personally I love finding big puddles and then dig drains with a stick or my heel and watch the water flow.

Also love to throw a piece of wood into water and then toss stones high up in the air and try hit it imagining it's a warship I'm trying to bomb.

Then also without going into details there are some pieces of clothing I would like to wear but don't because they're considered femine or gay.


As a compliment to the thread about near death experiences I'd really like hearing people's experiences of losing consciousness under general anesthesia and what's it like coming back.

Also interested of things anesthetists may have noticed about this during their career.


I think that living in a constant fear or being attacked is something many people don't think about. As someone who regularly spends time alone in the woods at night I know how your minds start playing tricks on you and it can get quite intense and scary even though you know it's just animals out there. Just imagine trying to sleep in a abandoned house and then hearing a zombie walk outside. Even if you made sure that location is as safe as it can be that's still going to be terrifying as hell.


I use these alteast 3 times a week while mountain biking. Fits my foot like a glove and still holds water. Hands down the best shoes I've ever had.

One thing to note though is that these are not for winter use. The rubber gets hard in cold weather and has zero grip on ice and I truly mean zero. Ask me how I know lol


I guess I'll go first:

  • I stayed home for the first few weeks and waited out the worst chaos
  • I was prepaired enough that I could stay at home
  • I own a 4x4 truck and had several spare canisters of fuel which enabled me to bug out eventually with all my gear and no need to stop looking for fuel
  • I stayed away from malls, supermarkets, gas stations and other hotspots
  • Every time I encountered a zombie I ran away instead of fighting it

Lets assume we develop the capacity to create virtual worlds that are near indistinguishable from the real world. We hook you up into a machine and you now find yourself in what effectively is a paraller reality where you get to be the king of your own universe (if you so desire). Nothing is off limits - everything you've ever dreamt of is possible. You can be the only person there, you can populate it with unconscious AI that appears consciouss or you can have other people visit your world and you can visit theirs aswell as spend time in "public worlds" with millions of other real people.

Would you try it and do you think you'd prefer it over real world? Do you see it as a negative from individual perspective if significant part of the population basically spend their entire lives there?


Personally I've got enough food stored at home to survive the initial phase but if not I'd probably rather try to raid abandoned private homes instead of heading to the closest grocery store. I believe it's wise to avoid hotspots like that especially in the beginning.

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