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  1. Posts must be related to the region of Montreal and / or its culture and / or its population.
  2. Absolutely no bigotry will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
  3. Be respectful towards the multicultural aspect of Montreal and your fellow users. This sublemmy is bilingual (French / English).
  4. Perform an internet search before asking questions on easily accessible information.
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founded 2 years ago

The lineup this year looks so good! Disappointing Nic Cage won't actually be able to join in, but understandable because fuck the studios, honestly. Sympathy for the Devil does look so good and I'm sad I wasn't able to get tickets :( I'm focusing mainly on full length features, although #BossBabe looks great! A Disturbance in the Force looks pretty hilarious too, and I'm going to also try and get into as many Larry Kent films as I can afford lol. Stay Online might actually be a bit too hard to watch, so I'm still on the fence about whether I have the emotional energy to see that one. tOuch Kink is also on my list. What are y'all gonna check out?


Be careful out there today, looks nasty.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by oneofthemladygoats to c/montreal

I need to break out of my Allo Mon Coco rut (those potatoes tho omg). What's your favourite place to head to for breakfast on the island?

EDIT- these are all awesome suggestions that are now on my list of places to check out, merci!!


The building, newly acquired by the city, is a seven-unit rooming house on Centre Street in Pointe-Saint-Charles where vulnerable tenants are paying low rents.


My friends and I are struggling on whether we should get the paseport Montreal. Mainly our questions are around the Botanical gardens/biodome. In the passport program they are 2 separate tickets but then checking the website it looks like buying one ticket gets you into both? Unless I'm reading it wrong. Also, the main reason we wanted the botanical garden was for the butterflies but now I'm seeing it's in the insectarium and it's another entry fee!! How do the entry fees actually work and would the Passport be a good idea? Please help!


I literally replaced it last week, and it's already lifting and deteriorating, it was perfect when I installed it and I haven't touched it since.

(The information is still visible IRL, I removed it from the pic for privacy reasons)


Thanks again NIMBYs.


Des compagnies à numéro, des ententes secrètes, des informations cachées... Il serait grand temps d'avoir une vigie efficace sur la vente des actifs gouvernementaux.

Book club? Book club! (self.montreal)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by oneofthemladygoats to c/montreal

Any of y'all interested in having a sort of mtl-themed book club here? There is a pretty fantastic homegrown literary scene in this city, so I doubt we'd be lacking in titles to choose from. One book every month or two, and we could discuss in a corresponding thread, something like that. If there's interest, I'm happy to coordinate :)

EDIT- really happy there's some interest!! I'll draw up a list of possible books to choose from in the next few days and reach out to those who comment for your thoughts so as not to clog up the community with constant posts. Once we've got the first book picked I'll make another post for discussion, unless y'all think a different structure would work, lmk!! :)


Avec "prix communautaire" (zéro profit) et "prix solidarité" (prix normal) afin que les familles aux finances modestes puissent se permettre des fruits et légumes frais :)

Sur Oxford et Upper Lachine, tous les jeudis!


A comprehensive mapping of old subreddits to new communities.



submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Urik to c/montreal

Despite being quite a fan of the festival, this year I found out it starts today by pure chance, 2 days ago, hoping it doesn't happen to others.

Enjoy the festival and post recommendations if you've got any!


I really miss Eater Montreal's lists they used to release, but it looks like Tourisme Montreal might be a decent alternative, for new restaurants at least. If you have any suggestions, for blog sites or places to check out, please share!

Montreal Shows What a City Can Be (
submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/montreal
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