Las Vegas Raiders

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I'm trying to gauge what area has the most Raiders fans considering we probably have the most spread out fanbase in the NFL

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Yellow Lot 13 is a local Raiders booster club tailgate that I found. No tickets, just show up and show out.


Great watch, everyone should check this out!


Short but good interview. You can read the article if you use “reader” mode on your browser.


Hey guys we are working on an FAQ, we have a few already ready to go but I wanted to open it up to y'all's suggestions on what should be included. Put in the comments questions you would like to see. We will also need some help with writing some of them. Finally we are still searching for 1 or 2 new mods so if you're interested please use the message the mod feature.


Said they hope to bring Jakob back.


What you thinks gonna ruin it if at all? LET'S GO BABY


An unlikely, yet delicious recipe that I only enjoy a couple times a decade.

  1. Win at least 2 out of the 3 remaining games against the Dolphins, Vikings and Colts.

  2. Win at least 1 of the 2 remaining games against the Chiefs.

  3. Beat the Chargers for a season split.

  4. Complete sweep of the Broncos

  5. Add salt to taste.


Should start returning punts again. That’s it.


If you had to pick one, who do we “hate” the most? And why..

Personally, I feel like the nod goes to Denver.


Hey all, a few weeks back I started wondering what Reddit discussions would have been like if the site was around during the 2002 realignment so planning to eventually post on all the different subs to see what their feelings were with how the alignment ended up for their team. Moving Seattle out the AFC West seemed to be probably the easiest decision out of the whole process as they were the last team added so the history wasn't as deep with them as the other 3. I know a few people tried convincing me back then that KC should be the odd one out being in Midwest rather than truly a "West" team but they refused to acknowledge the deep history with the other 3.

I did recently learn that both Tampa and Cincy spent a little time (1 year and 2 years respectively) in the AFC West, that was all before my time though.

Would love any thoughts from everyone if they had feelings different than (or same as) mine on how the 2002 realignment affected this team.


As part of a lifetime goal to see the Raiders play in every NFL stadium, I'm packing up to head to Miami to see our boys take down Tua.

I don't have any social media (where these things are usually organized and promoted), so I was curious if anyone knew of any Raiders tailgates at the Hard Rock Stadium, and what areas they might be in? Looking to chant some inappropriate stuff with some new friends.

Just win, baby.


Is it really because Gruden tore into him when he couldn’t get a play call right? Is it because his buddy Lombardi is butthurt his son got fired? Is Simms just soft as baby shit?

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