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Community for the city of Spokane, Washington!

Shamelessly lifted rules from Reddit:

Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks. No hate. Follow all guidelines of Lemmy!

Rule 2: All topics must be related to Spokane County. This may also include Eastern Washington and North Idaho.

Rule 3: All guidelines of Lemmy's Content Policy apply here.

Rule 4: Please use the search bar before posting/no repeat posts. Posts that are rife with misspelling, are vague, or do not generally reflect civil discourse may be removed.

Rule 5: We encourage diversity of ideas and civil disagreement but we do not allow unreasonably dangerous or misleading information (e.g. Covid is a hoax, Pizzagate, Vaccines are the mark of the devil, etc.)

Rule 6: No sensationalizing news, history, or other primary source titles. Use the title from the source.

founded 2 years ago

Spokane's new USL League 1 team is revealing their new name and crest July 21st at Brick West Brewing


What market do you like to frequent in the summer? My go to is the one on Perry, but I want to check some of the others out before summer ends.


Welcome to a (the?) Spokane, WA community. Looking for fellow Spokanites to moderate the community, so please reach out if you're interested!