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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/UnexpectedAnxietyCat on 2023-10-03 18:51:45.

I don't know who to talk to. I don't really have friends and this space is always so helpful and kind. So, as it says above, I need advice. My nephew recently came out as trans. He has requested to be called by a new name (let's call him Henry) and to use he/him pronouns. I love him like he's my own child. Even before he came out, we were super close. However, my brother, Henry's dad, feels otherwise. Let's call my brother Jim. Jim is refusing to use he/him pronouns and laughs at Henry, calling him a girl and using his dead name only. Jim says things like "you were born a girl and you can't change that". I recently called Jim out on his behavior. He told me that if I don't respect his decision as Henry's father to only use his dead name and use she/her, then he will block me from all contact with my nephew. I don't know what to do. Lately, Henry has been asking about coming to live with me, my partner, and my son and we are more than happy to have him!! In fact, we actively invite him to live with us if he doesn't feel safe or welcome at his home. Now I won't be able to talk to him and he'll continue being abused by my brother. What can I do?? How can I help my nephew??

BTW, we're in Texas, so that may help explain why my brother is such an asshole. He's always been this way.

Sorry for any errors. I'm on my cell.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/kittywenham on 2023-10-03 18:47:36.

This is my flatmate's boyfriend's flatmate.

I love my flatmate. Her boyfriend is OK. I don't mind people coming over as long as they don't expect me to socialise and aren't staying so long it disturbs my pets (I have birds and rabbits)

I've met him a total of two times before this happened. Both were group situations. Never been alone with him. Never expressed any interest. Never been anything but polite.

One of those group situations was on Saturday. At the end of the evening he asked me out and I tried to politely decline. Awkward, but I can deal with it.

Yesterday he comes over to my house uninvited at about 7pm. I was not told or asked about this beforehand. Weird, but maybe he's hanging out with my flatmate and her boyfriend, right?

Wrong, they spend the whole evening out. He just...stays in my living room. I've already had a heavy weekend of socialising, don't know this man, don't really want to know him, so I feel incredibly guilty but I make excuses and disappear upstairs, thinking my flatmate and her bf will come back soon or he'll just leave.

Wrong again.

Despite being alone the whole time, and me being the only person in the house, he stays there until gone midnight. I ask him to leave three times before he actually does. My pets are stressed out because they should be in bed and don't like strangers. He also leaves me a fucking letter. This is the third time I've met him. I barely know him. He leaves me a super emotional handwritten letter about how he understands I have mental health issues and how his mum did too and how he thinks I'm an amazing person and asking me out AGAIN.

I don't even know what to say. I've been super short to him all evening when we've had to interact. I already rejected him two days ago. I make sure he has left. I lock my door. He texts me this morning saying he had a great time and he will "tell" me next time he's coming over????

I don't want to ruin things with my flatmate or her boyfriend because I like them but I need everyone to know this is not ok. I need him to know I don't want him to text me or visit ever again. I need my flatmate and her boyfriend to know it is not ok to bring people over and then leave them here alone and try and force me to socialise.

Some people I've talked to think I'm being dramatic but I feel completely violated. This flat is my safe space and I felt unsafe here for the first time. I've had to go to therapy recently and been encouraged to be more open to people and branch out my social life and then this happens. I never want to let someone in my house again. I don't really know what to do or how to communicate with him because I'm so pissed off, but as I say, I don't want to burn bridges with other mutual friends.

I feel unsettled and uncomfortable and I haven't been able to sleep since.

I don't know. Any advice? Or just responses? I wanted to vent about this.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/AdditionalEye1993 on 2023-10-03 17:46:11.

One thing I noticed about myself was how the men who came and went out of my life would usually bring out my insecurities.

It started with my own dad (who is dead now). He would always whine and moan about how certain teachers/school staff members didn't like me (that's the thing about Nigerians...they're so shallow and they care about things that shouldn't matter) and he was abusive AF.

Then I used to be bullied by guys for my looks when I was a teenager. Even though I love the way I look now, I'm not just going to automatically forget how awful guys were to me all because I didn't meet their beauty standards when I was a teenager.

Now when it comes to dating, I noticed that guys my age are usually never interested in me (and it's only the creeps). This always gets to me because I can barely become a girlfriend (and men will move the goalposts...it was from them thinking I was too ugly and too weird for them to date when I was a teenager to only a few of them thinking I'm too independent or too smart).

I made my decision to decenter men because I am beginning to think that I will never get be a girlfriend since men don't even want relationships these days. I also noticed that a lot of men are responsible to my mental health declining as well.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/AnonymousNeverKnown on 2023-10-03 17:24:26.

Just saw the post on Twitter about how guys eventually hate their girlfriend and everything she does annoys them. And apparently they don't want to break up with her either. Because that's "too much trouble." It got over 20000 likes. Like it's all a joke to them. And this is the second post I've seen like this. I think last year women were posting about how they realized their partner hated them. If this is how a lot of men think, I'm better off single. Sorry, mom and dad, no grandkids for you.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/TheOldPetrillo on 2023-10-03 17:05:29.

Among the stories about encounters going wrong, I'd like to share a chance meeting yesterday, that might either restore some faith in men, or serve as proof that 'not being a creep' is a bar very possible to meet.

In my city, a multi-day townwide festival is going on, as it does every year. Lots and lots of alcohol, enormous crowds and basically every inhabitant, along with people from the surrounding area, is involved in the festivities. I went alone.

After walking around a bit, going on a few rides, listening to a few bands, saying hi to a few familiar faces, and looking at many pretty lights, I decided it was time to go home. Recklessly, I took a shortcut through an alley, telling myself I did so all the time (yes! during the day!) and it would be fine.

Cue a drunk gentleman calling me over and after the usual 'how are you', he asked if I was alone. Stupidly, I told him this was indeed the case. He then invited me to go with him ('us' he said, but I saw nobody that looked like he was with them, so I don't know). Tensing up, I thanked him for the offer, but insisted I was fine and wanted to enjoy the party by myself.

You know what he said?

He said: O well. Have a nice night!

I didn't have to repeat myself, no touching (other than my arm, briefly, to catch my attention), no anger.

The bar is in the gutter, to make this worth mentioning, but I figured sharing an example of how this kind of thing is supposed to go, wouldn't hurt anyone.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Buabue1 on 2023-10-03 15:44:12.

Original Title: Reminiscing on the time I was hooking with a guy I liked. On the fourth date I went to his place and he didn’t have hand soap in his bathroom. When I questioned it he told me (completely seriously) “It’s not a big deal. I don’t touch my shit…why do I need soap?!”

Le sigh.

Who else has similar stories?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/suffraghetti on 2023-10-03 15:11:14.

I'm preparing my kid's birthday. He's with his father today, we broke up two months ago. It is a lot to do, a lot to clean, prepare and think of. And even though my ex is okay with pulling his load, I'm still the one to remember most of the things. Plus, the day before my kid's birthday is a holiday and everything, including daycare, is closed. So you have to plan extra early. Wrapping gifts, buying batteries, checking the gifts for defects, buying decorations, picking up the helium bottle, buying stuff to make a cake, smuggling the new bike from grandma's cellar when kid is not looking.

If I ever date again, I will not be a walking reminder to the other person that shops are closed, that laser swords need batteries, how many people are coming to the party etc. etc. etc. Do I look like an external hard drive?

Rant end.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Madame_President_ on 2023-10-03 11:30:22.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/NickolaBrinx on 2023-10-03 14:47:15.

This is a weird one and I'm not sure where else to post it but you've been such a great community in the past, so here goes.

A few years ago my mum out of the blue asked me about my old babysitter and if he'd ever done anything weird or uncouth. I could not understand why she asked me and she refused to tell me.

I was watching a show last night in which the kids went for doughnuts with dad and were told not to tell their mum and it occurred to me that asking a child to lie about something small is a good indication of whether they'll be able to keep a secret.

Suddenly I remembered all the times my old babysitter used to take me to McDonald's when my mother explicitly said no and he asked me to lie about it. I never lied about it and always told my mum if she asked or if I wanted to show her the Happy Meal toy. My babysitter would get mad and tell me we wouldn't go next time if I didn't lie. I suddenly thought this could have been a test and maybe that's why nothing happened. (as far as I remember)

As an adult, I realise how weird this guy is. How he's not been in a relationship for years. He's always around kids and seems almost incapable of interacting with adults.

I'm not sure about anything as nothing bad happened to me. And maybe my general cynicism and contextualising of other bad events in my childhood are muddying things up.

Does anyone know if this is a thing? Do I have to unpack this in the therapy I don't yet have? I'm just very confused about where my brain is/has taken me and don't really know what to do.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/buttonmoo on 2023-10-03 14:34:48.

I'm a wedding photographer. I hired a male second shooter for last weekends wedding.

This is mainly a rant. Sorry (not sorry)

I've just had it AGAIN. Solid portfolio and the majority of the images are quite good.

During the ceremony, came to the top to shoot the same angle I was because "there was nothing to see" I had to practically bark at him to get back into position ready for the readings, because he refused when I whisper asked him too first.

Also stood in the frame for the first kiss (I was at the bottom of the aisle now) when the minister actually stepped aside for a change 😭 Ive had a word with him about this, but the response is "oh yeah I'd usually do that" but why not now? The kiss lasted like 15 seconds there was time to step aside;

I tell them ahead of time to be where I'm not, but they come and stand next to me, like the confetti exit, asking whether they should shoot wide or close, I have a wide and a zoom on I don't need someone standing next to me hindering my movements! But there's guests too close and the couple are about to exit so I just say "zoom" my images suffer because of this. This has happened a few separate time with different men now.

I just feel like this every time I work with a man. I feel like they don't want to do what I'm telling them, and they're questioning why I'm asking them to do things.

With women seconds I never have this issue. I set expectations, tell them where to go, and they seem to be more aware of when they might be in my frame.

I almost feel like men are competing with me to get 'the shot' . Like I've hired you you're supposed to be backing me up and being where I can't be not spoiling my pictures!

It's one of the main reasons I left a male dominated field (engineering). I felt belittled and disrespected constantly.

I don't think I'll ever hire a male second again.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/aglmamma on 2023-10-03 14:30:28.

For context, we’ve been together for 8 years and we have two children (5 & 3). I’m at my wits end with how sexual he is in the morning. I don’t know if the problem is me or him. Every morning is never “Good morning babe” it’s “I wanna fuck” as soon as I open my fucking eyes. I hate being woken up so aggressively and I’ve told him I hate the way he approaches sex. I’m so overstimulated being with the kids and having to take on the mental load of being the default parent. Mornings are a lot for me because I have to make everyone breakfast and get everyone ready and out the door on time. Everyone is demanding something of me as soon as I wake up. So I am never in the mood for sex in the morning. In fact I dread waking up in the morning. I’m so sick of him waking me up by slapping my ass or touching my boobs or putting his hand in my underwear. I told him I want to be woken up softly because I already hate mornings. Kiss my forehead, rub my head, say “good morning”. Just be considerate of me and not your penis first thing in the morning. We argue over this one thing allll the tiiiime. He says he gets it and he’ll try to stop but the next morning is the same fucking shit again. I say no I’m not in the mood and he goes in a strop and locks himself in the toilet. Every fucking morning. He just ruins my day with his constant juvenile moodiness. He’s in charge of taking my eldest to school in the morning. He never takes it seriously and it stresses me out because he’s always late to school. This morning he asked me for sex 20 mins before he had to start school. Why can’t he fucking understand that my brain will not even want sex if I have to have sex with someone who puts his dick before his child’s education.

Another thing he does that I hate is he’ll just wanna whip out my boob and start sucking my nipples whenever he likes. I like to be mentally stimulated first. We can talk about our relationship, sex, our goals. Go on dates, spend some quality time together. I’m not the sort of girl that wants to jump straight into sex because my brain is shut off to sex because of all of my responsibilites. If I had nothing else to worry about maybe it would be different. I’ve told him a million and one times, if having sex like that is so important to you then pleaaaaase go and find the girl that is willing to give that to you. Don’t make my life miserable expecting me to all of a sudden change my mind when you make no effort to make me horny in the way I would like. He says he doesn’t want anyone else and that he only wants me. And I tell him “Well then you have to work for the things you want. If you want sex from ME, then you have to do what it takes”. I’m not some Tinder date that will drop her pants whenever he likes.

Other than this one incredibly aggravating issue, he is a great person and a great dad. But he REALLY lacks emotional intelligence He just doesn’t seem to realise that his moods effect everyone, and it’s his job to fulfill himself in non sexual ways, like work on your goals, organise your life. He hates hearing it from me but wouldn’t listen to anyone else if they told him the same thing 😡 Side note: He’s just gone to the GP yesterday to go on the waiting list for counselling. I’m going to tell him that if he doesn’t take it seriously, then I wont marry him.

Thank you for reading up until now ❤️

TL;DR My fiancé keeps waking me up to sex even though I’ve asked him not to multiple times. Then gets upset when I reject him.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/curious-turtle5 on 2023-10-03 13:43:47.

I've (F/26) been texting with this guy (M/28) I met on Hinge for a month now. We've been texting every day and honestly our conversations are great, he's very sweet and really funny. We share a lot of the same interests. We talk about and plan what dates we want to go on and have shared a bit about our families, etc. We haven't met in person yet as I live in a different city, but I'm moving to his area at the end of the month.

Last night we facetimed for the first time and it was like he was suddenly a completely different person....made a joke about Liberals/politics, boasting about how he got angry with this old guy the other day who almost hit his car, talked on and on and onnnnn about his job and how "boring" it is and insinuating that he pretty much carries the company. He's into cars and that became the topic of conversation a lot. It was a lot of mansplaining about his job/Finance/cars. I don't know, he just was acting so completely different on this call. He's also looking for a job in Finance...and I don't want to stereotype but, that's a bit of a red flag lol.

I don't want to jump ship right away but these seem like red flags to me? Do i wait to meet him in person to get a better feel about what he's actually like? Last night's call was just so bizarre.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/purplepoppies- on 2023-10-03 10:43:21.

I think it’s been established that dating apps are the worst but I’m gonna complain about it anyway because this really bothers me.

I cannot tell you the amount of couples that hit me up wanting me to be their third. I’m not judging those who are into it it’s just never been my thing. I am jealous and territorial and can be insecure at times but I know this about myself and I’m upfront about it and try my best to work on it.

It became such a problem that I had to write “I am monogamous,” on my profile and I STILL get people messaging, adding me to ask if I’ll do it and shockingly, it’s almost always the guy’s idea. It just gives me a really gross feeling because it never feels like 2 people who are genuinely interested in me as a person but somebody trying to spice up their relationship with some shiny new toy or a guy that’s too afraid to leave his girlfriend but can’t bring himself to cheat on her either.

Am I going insane? Is this a problem any of you guys face?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/marji80 on 2023-10-03 08:42:09.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Defiant_Song_2766 on 2023-10-03 07:54:05.

Tw: Vomiting, hospitals, sexism.

Will women ever be taken seriously? I'm fuming. We had to go 3 days on a row.

My stepdaughter is 16, last week she had a really bad stomach ache, spent most afternoon in bed, i had to pick her up early from school the next day since she is in pain and threw up a few times. Okay, no problem. She spends the day super sick.

Friday afternoon, we end up going to urgent care. She is in a lot of pain, can't sit straight, my husband is out of town so it's just us two and i'm worried. They take a lot of time to see her and when they do you know what they tell us? It's menstrual pain apparently.

They did not check on her or anything and the doctor who saw us was annoyed that i was replying for her but my stepdaughter was in so much pain she had a hard time talking and we are both not from here, so we are still learning English and she is nervous. Period pains make no sense at this time of the month but i ask if we should see a gynecologist or something. No. Do they need to do any test? No. They just told us it would pass and she should take some pain killers. Okay.

Saturday morning she is still in lots of pain, had no sleep at all, has a bit of a fever. We go again, wait for a long time again as it's deemed as "not serious enough" Then they see her, they mispronounce her name which in the big scheme is not a big deal but i'm mad at everything right now. They do check on her a bit more than the last time, tell us is a stomach flu. She is young, it doesn't hurt in any particular place, isn't bloated or anything so even thought it's been days and she is doubling over in pain (and we can pay) they don't do much and send us home again. A stomach flu doesn't feel quite right but they won't do any test.

Saturday night/sunday morning she is screaming in pain, she is crying a lot and her heart is beating real fast. My husband isn't picking up the phone. I'm terrified. Thank God i exercise and she is not heavy at all. We go to the ER, wait again for hours, which okay i guess is what happens in a ER but is also obvious that something is very wrong. They finally see her once more. A female doctor finally. She is super gentle with both of us. An emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix. The diagnosis did not even take long. Apparently appendicitis "is often missed in female patients".

My stepdaughter is better than she was but still is not great. She is terrified of hospitals and has to stay for days. I'm exhausted and i'm mad. So, so mad. I still have to wait for my husband to come from his work trip and it annoys me so much that he isn't there. I'm just really upset at everything and everyone. It honestly could and should have been solved before it got this bad.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/tmrtdc3 on 2023-10-03 06:37:36.

I was just going though the AskReddit thread about common 'Redditisms' (common Reddit-specific behaviors) and I noticed one top comment complaining about how the relationship advice given on this website is often to break up or tell someone they've been gaslit or they've been sexually assaulted or abused, and this is bad advice that shouldn't be given. (Paraphrasing what that user said, not me.)

I feel like I've noticed this a lot on Reddit -- when people complain about the relationship advice given on here and how users are too eager to describe something as abuse or recommend that the person who posted break up or leave the relationship or whatever. But -- this is actually often great advice. There are tons of posts on here that describe abusive, dangerous situations with gaslighting, emotional abuse, manipulation, sexual assault, and other horrible things involved. The first response literally should be "You need to get out." And maybe a hotter take -- even if a relationship isn't flat-out horrible, there's no reason to stay in a relationship that is still bad. Like where you're basically parenting your partner, or you do all the household labor, or you give plenty but receive no sexual pleasure, etc. It's totally acceptable to tell people and especially women in relationships to leave their partners. In fact it should be encouraged. And it should be totally acceptable to identify creepy age gaps in these relationships as a contributing factor, which a lot of Redditors also -- predictably -- get angry about.

Idk, personally I find it really suspicious that there's a large contingent of Redditors who seem hell-bent that women stay in shitty and often abusive relationships and then get angry at the other users who give advice telling women to leave these kinds of relationships. Yes, reserving judgment on a situation is often a smart idea, and no, we don't know other people's lives, but we usually have the details we need and the experience to identify red flags and patterns that others don't. You're not being measured or smart or wise or enlightened by telling people to stay in bad relationships. You're either really naive, or you have a despicable agenda.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Capital-Ad-6349 on 2023-10-03 02:27:20.

(23 F) I've had 2 fully grown adults ask me if I'm pregnant (former co-worker+employee), or have heard from others that I'm pregnant. One of the people that asked me literally eyed my stomach the entire time they were talking to me as well. I'm not a confrontational person, and I just said that I'm not, and tried to end the conversations as fast as possible. I just felt beyond uncomfortable in both situations.

I know that i've put on a bit of weight because of (ironically) starting birth control. I have a physically intensive job, so I definitely get plenty of exercise, though I tend to live on a lot of vending machine food so that doesn't help (weight was stable with same job/diet before BC), but I understand that the root issue is that I need to work on some healthier eating habits in general.

Regardless, I just don't understand why anyone thinks that's even okay to ask. I've always been under the impression that you're not supposed to, specifically because of this kind of situation. It's definitely been impacting my self-esteem. Idk how to deal with this mentally, or socially.

(I'm sorry for my rambling, I'm not great at opening up about stuff like this.)

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/SiblingTroubleTA on 2023-10-03 02:10:36.

Hi. I’d appreciate some advice as I found myself in a dangerous stalker situation about a decade ago and I don’t know how to navigate my current situation or know whether or not I’m overreacting.

I’d like to preface this by saying I’ve recently gotten fit and am working on building my self-esteem. (I’m also trying not to include too much detail but struggle with brevity)

2ish Friday’s ago I (34F) was in the hot tub at my apartment complex stretching a sore hip from running. As I got out, a man (45M) who had joined struck up a convo (I had been listening to a YouTube video). I stayed an additional 20-30 mins chatting and gave him my number before heading back to my apartment. He texted me shortly after and asked if he could take me out that weekend. I said I was busy Saturday but Sunday afternoon would work. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation, our meeting was fate, etc. and he was looking forward to it. He then called and we talked another 15 mins on the phone (aka, he talked at me more or less).

The next morning I wake up to a “good morning” text about 2 hours before I woke up followed by an offer to give me glutamine powder to help my sore hip. I woke up, said hi and declined the offer. He asks how I’m doing and I ask the same to be polite. In regards to hanging out the next day he texts, “We can do something like a run this morning or SUP, but I really want to cover a lot of ground this weekend.”

I tell him I am meeting with friends for the day and he asks if he can call me. I said I’d call him once I finished my coffee and on the phone he proceeded to talk AT me about our chemistry, my ambition/career, blah blah… I end the convo and head to meet my friends. At the end of each phone call he texts along the lines of “great conversation!” Eye roll…

Until this point I figured he was just enthused and would decide if it was worth pursuing after hanging out the following day. However during the day with my friends his texts continue, asking my myers brigg type and basically everything I say is met with a compliment. I ignore him most of the day and send a quick note once I am home explaining I had been busy and would talk to him tomorrow. He asks if he can call and I nicely say no, I am going to bed.

Sunday morning wake to more texts asking how I slept etc. before 8am. By 10 he asks if everything is okay. At this point I am realizing I don’t like this, I don’t care if we are soulmates, it is foreshadowing as way too much for me. I also recognize we live in the same complex and need to extract myself from this situation because I like where I live. I am beyond overwhelmed.

I text back: “I'm sorry for the delay but I'm not ready for this intensity (not just this morning). I hope you understand and perhaps I'll see you around.” I would have said more but given our other conversations, I knew he would do all the talking to try and change my mind and my mind was made up.

To save space, I screen-shotted his next texts here. I have not responded at all.

At this point I’m planning to completely avoid the pool area forever but am hopeful that his last message (5 days ago) says he will respect my decision.

I open instagram today after work and see he has sent me a friend request. My handle is my full name which I never shared with him but understand he could probably determine from my phone number. I am officially freaked out.

Funny thing is that I was proud of myself for recognizing the red flags before getting too involved but apparently it was still too late. Best case scenario he doesn't realize how much he's being a creep. I’d like to reject the request and block him but will that be enough?

Either way, how do I ask him to leave me alone without antagonizing??

Why are men like this?? (Thankfully not all men…)

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/throwaway127768 on 2023-10-02 21:59:54.

I met a guy not long ago, and he was the first guy I’ve been genuinely excited about in a while. It’s been almost 2 years that I’ve been single, and just haven’t felt like entertaining anything or anyone. But this guy, i was very excited for.

So, long story short, he asked me one day during spicy texting if I have ever had a threesome. I responded honestly, which was yes, 5 years ago i did. Told him I didn’t much enjoy it, hence 5 years ago being the last time i did it. This was apparently enough to not want to move forward. And while I understand that we both reserved the right to end things at any time, it just felt so odd. He admitted it was due to insecurity, and I definitely was far more understanding than I feel he deserved in this situation.

Also, I asked him if the situation would’ve been different if it was a 2 girl 1 guy threesome. He said yes. So not only is this guy insecure, but he definitely has so misogyny going on. It’s just so odd, this isn’t who I thought he was at all. And I’m thankful he showed his colors/our incompatibility early on but it’s still triggering that “must fix this!” and desire for him to say sorry and that he wants me.

I should have just said “well ok, bye!”. But it really triggered something within in me to want him more, and surely I was a little desperate sounding, sending long texts, etc. but it wasn’t like he wasn’t entertaining it, like he was dangling something in front of me that he knew I wanted for his own amusement.

Today he shares a post with me on insta after not talking for a few days, and in response I’m a little rude back which I now understand was my attempts at bids for his affection. His response was to remove me as a follower and unfollow me- a hit to the ego for sure.

Not my finest moment, but I can’t change it. I’m not going to text him despite me wanting to fix the situation - I’m going to leave it where it is.

But I feel disappointed with myself for entertaining the game. I just feel like I should’ve been stronger and let him go at his initial attempt after the threesome thing.

Any advice for moving forward when you feel rejected and upset with yourself because you knew better?

How do you deal with the overwhelming urge to prove yourself when rejected?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/jenifr8218 on 2023-10-03 01:23:45.

Those of you who have secret phones, make sure they are turned OFF on Wednesday. These tests will absolutely override all silent and privacy settings. Make sure you are in a safe place when turning them back on, as the alarm might sound when powered back on.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/4toTwenty on 2023-10-03 00:17:12.

I (33f) have always known i don’t want children. I used to live with my ex best friend who had a toddler and that definitely reinforced it. My boyfriend is 37 and is also on the same page. We travel and go to concerts and have been very happy together for the last year. But this past week is fucking me up.

It happened once before when i was 28. I got baby fever and it went away a couple days later, I’m assuming when i finished ovulating. But this time, this time feels different.

It’s been 4 days and i can’t stop fantasising about being pregnant. I don’t want a baby. Or a toddler. Or a teenager. I don’t want to reproduce, but holy fuck do i want to be pregnant. I want to feel that life inside me. That purpose. That bump.

I have an appt at PP on Friday to make sure everything is copasetic. I have an IUD but I’m so scared i might already be pregnant and that’s why this feeling isn’t going away. I also have an appt with a therapist tomorrow.

But for now, how do i tell my biological clock to shut the fuck up and let me live my life? I’m not coping very well.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/nmsjtb0308 on 2023-10-02 23:31:18.

I had my tubes removed (for sterilization purposes) in the Summer of 2020. Every single month since then, I ask myself why I didn't have my uterus removed, too. The doctor offered! I didn't want to spend the extra $500! Sigh.

I manage 4 apartment complexes. I'm busy working at one of those today. I'm not paying attention until I feel it. You know what I mean. The, "Oh, fuck! Go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW!" kind of feeling.

Unfortunately, it was another ~5 minutes before I was able to escape.

4 minutes and 45 seconds too late. Sigh.

I do what I need to do, then pull out my top ninja skills and sneak away to a vacant apartment without being spotted. Great success!

I'm able to get myself and my pants all cleaned up, then toss my pants in the dryer.

Naturally, both the assistant manager and maintenance tech are male. I sent out a text that said, "I'm dealing with an issue that only women can have at certain times of the month during certain periods of their life. Don't come into unit 305." I get a, "TF?" and a, "lololol You got it, boss!"

So now I'm standing here, in a vacant apartment at work, without pants on, waiting for the dryer. 😂

Somebody find me a hole so I can climb into it. Lmfao

Happy Monday!

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/allworkandnoYahtzee on 2023-10-02 22:29:26.

A popular sub that regularly posts videos of people behaving badly in public has a highly upvoted video of two men fighting and a woman tries to intervene. One of the men punches her in the face simply for trying to stop the fight. And the comments? "She had it coming!" "Mind your own business." "Equal rights mean equal lefts!" "It's hilarious when women get hit for being stupid." Literally not a single person there mentioned that this man assaulted two people. Not even in the controversial section.

A couple weeks ago, that same sub had a video posted of a woman telling a man to leave her drunk friend alone, and at one point, she gently places her hand on his chest to stop him from following them. Most of the comments were vile, hateful drivel about the woman's weight and appearance, but there was a fair amount of people saying she "assaulted" him because "it's never ok to touch a stranger."

So in short, men being violent to men - ok. Men being violent to women - not only ok, but glorified. A woman even speaking to a man - UNACCEPTABLE. I feel like I'm going fucking insane.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/countesslathrowaway on 2023-10-02 22:51:43.

I contemplated posting this from a throwaway, but I have never wanted to speak up so badly in my life. This week a local businessman (and - ahem, self described pillar of the community) called my bakery and asked for me. My female employee told him that I was unavailable and he responded three times, asking “is she busy fucking the Pillsbury Dough Boy?”. My employee thought that she must have misunderstood and asked him to repeat himself, to which he happily echoed the question. She hung up on him at this point and fearing a customer complaint, she told me what had happened the next morning as soon as she saw me.

Of course I assured her that she should always hang up in instances of disrespect and I promised her my support in managing situations like this should they arise. We then set out to figure out who called, which was easy, because Caller ID and his (business) number was easily located on Google. I first emailed the business requesting a discussion, but then also found a direct name and number listed as a board member of the chamber of commerce. I immediately called the police. This “pillar” called back right after I placed a call to the police, but before they arrived, and he started a fire within me that is burning so hard.

On this phone call, he was sure to tell me his entire unsolicited resume, he was a board member, an ordained minister, he was well connected and he was calling because I spoke up about my experience with his friend who is running for local government. I did speak up and I shared in a local group that during the course of a business conversation, that his friend sent me a text message that said “I need you”, as a woman in business, I was wholly unimpressed and waited to respond, redirecting the conversation to business and clearly indicating that I was not going to bite.

So Mr. Resume demanded that I meet with himself and Mr. Needy and I declined, asking him why I would ever sit down with someone who harassed my employee by asking if I was “fucking the Pillsbury Dough Boy”? He told me told me that he never said it and that no one would ever believe me if I told anyone what he had done. He said “it’s a real he said, she said, isn’t it?” See, I’m a baker and I wake up mad early, so by the time he got around to returning my phone call, I had already emailed the board that he was on and the mayor who was connected to the board. I had already called the police and they were on their way, they did take us seriously and in my state what he did is illegal.

On the call, he continued to demand that I meet with the two men. Still no for me. And when I informed him that I had already contacted the police, and the board, and the mayor that sits on that board, he started shouting “BY GOD NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU, BY GOD!” And then he hung up. We have underage teens working at our counter and he called after school hours, luckily it was an adult woman who answered and not a child. My own children work at my shop and my daughter answers the phone on the weekends. There was no way I was going to let this go after he had involved other people.

Today I continued to tell as many people as I could what happened. I didn’t know this man and my employee had absolutely no idea that I had posted or what I had posted about. Hearing him tell me over and over and over again that no one would believe me had me twisted. I have the text message, I have the phone logs, I have another person who faced the harassment when I wasn’t even present. I have receipts, sir, I have clear as day receipts.

The audacity, the flip flopping audacity of this man to call me, at my work, to ask what he asked, to know that I have text messages of my experience, and to tell me that I won’t be believed? Okay, let’s find out. I am ready to show everyone my receipts and I have contacted every single person who I think should know and I’m not done. I’m going to file all ethical complaints that are applicable. I’m so sick of being subjected to the flirting, the sexual comments, the sexual insults, and I’m so sick of being under estimated as a woman. I opened my business just a year and a half ago and I have demonstrated business strength beyond what half of these jokers could imagine and that never matters. I took $8k and turned it into a mid six figure business in 18 months, but here I am fielding the lowest of effort insults by these two “well connected” wannabe local ganstas, who are trying to intimidate me and I’m not even sure which one of them is dumber. It’s maddening.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/SevereFlorality on 2023-10-02 21:20:40.

Like… I’m 175 cm tall (5”9). Don’t get me wrong, I actually love towering over people most of the time, I just really hate what comes with height.

I have big bones but not in the meaning I’m chubby. I just have big bones. I’m very wide, slender, have very broad shoulders. I’m nowhere looking elegant neither, because I have a long torso and short legs.

I have even met a girl who’s only 4cm shorter than me and she’s actually petite. She has a very small frame and looks very dainty, has very small shoulders, and looks really elegant in everything. So theoretically, being tall and “tiny” is possible.

Theoretically speaking I have an hourglass body, but I’m so wide in shoulders that it just gets lost. I also have big arm muscles (out of nowhere - I was always very muscular even though I don’t exercise) and as I already mentioned - elongated torso and short legs.

I always feel like I take up so much space and I’m so big when compared to my friends. I know that I’m very skinny but sometimes I can’t help it but think that people perceive me as very big. I actually somewhat like being tall and sometimes I wish I was even taller, it’s mostly the way that I’m built that makes me feel large. I don’t know, I just wish I had a small frame :/

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