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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/curious-turtle5 on 2023-10-03 13:43:47.
I've (F/26) been texting with this guy (M/28) I met on Hinge for a month now. We've been texting every day and honestly our conversations are great, he's very sweet and really funny. We share a lot of the same interests. We talk about and plan what dates we want to go on and have shared a bit about our families, etc. We haven't met in person yet as I live in a different city, but I'm moving to his area at the end of the month.
Last night we facetimed for the first time and it was like he was suddenly a completely different person....made a joke about Liberals/politics, boasting about how he got angry with this old guy the other day who almost hit his car, talked on and on and onnnnn about his job and how "boring" it is and insinuating that he pretty much carries the company. He's into cars and that became the topic of conversation a lot. It was a lot of mansplaining about his job/Finance/cars. I don't know, he just was acting so completely different on this call. He's also looking for a job in Finance...and I don't want to stereotype but, that's a bit of a red flag lol.
I don't want to jump ship right away but these seem like red flags to me? Do i wait to meet him in person to get a better feel about what he's actually like? Last night's call was just so bizarre.