Updated as of 2025-02-28
What is the next DLC course and when will it come out?
The following are observations regarding new DLC.
- 6-8 weeks between DLC releases.
- Always releases on a Thursday.
- DLC courses are announced 10 days before release date. Teaser can be released earlier than this.
- A trailer for the course are dropped 3 days before release date.
Is there a roadmap?
Lucas Martell, creator of WMG, posted an Early 2025 roadmap on the WMG blog.
Are there behind the scene videos?
UploadVR typically uploads a tour video when a DLC course releases.
Any information on Walkabout Mini Golf Bundles?
Refer to https://www.mightycoconut.com/whole-in-one
Is there an in-game lobby viewer for multiplayer custom games?
Currently, no. Visit the #find-a-game channel on the Official Discord Server for rotating room names. More details found in the channel.
I am missing a lost ball or club. Which course does it belong to?
The Discord community has created some awesome resources found in the Official Discord Server. They will not be mirrored in this FAQ as I never asked nor I was given explicit permission.
The below resources can be found on the Official Discord Server
- Lost Ball Chart - #walkabout-chat in Pinned Messages
- Unlockables by Course - #walkabout-walkthrough
- Course Release Date Infographic - #walkabout-extended-universe in Pinned Messages
Game Modes
Low Gravity
- Tethys Station
- Atlantis
- Bogey's Bonanza
- Laser Lair
- Venice
- Mars Gardens
Mini Mode
- Bogey's Bonanza
- Laser Lair
- Venice
Slingshot Mode
- Tourist Trap
- Cherry Blossom
- Alfheim
- Quixote Valley
Course Abbreviation
Add E or H to the end of the abbreviation to denote Easy or Hard. Tourist Trap Hard would be TTH.
- Tourist Trap = TT
- Cherry Blossom = CB
- Arizona Modern = AM
- Seagull Stacks = SS
- Original Gothic = OG
- Tethys Station = TS
- Bogey's Bonanza = BB
- Quixote Valley = QV
- Gardens of Babylon = GB
- Shangri-La = SL
- Sweetopia = SW
- El Dorado = ED
- Labyrinth = LB
- 20,000 Leagues = 20
- Myst Island = MY
- Atlantis = AT
- Upside Town = UT
- Temple at Zerzura = ZZ
- Journey to the Center of the Earth = JC
- Laser Lair = LL
- Alfheim = AL
- Widow's Walkabout = WW
- Meow Wolf = MW
- Around the World in 80 Days = AW
- Ice Lair = IL
- Venice = VN
- Wallace & Gromit = WG
- Mars Gardens = MG
- 8-Bit Lair = 8B
- Holiday Hideaway = HH
- Viva Las Elvis = EL
Other Stuff
Pixel Rendition of Tourist Trap - https://walkaboutminigolf.net/