After reading this article that was linked on here a few days ago, there was something that occurred to me. The same tactics that are used for advertising here (in the US, probably most of the imperial core but I don't know enough to say for sure) are used for propaganda. Meanwhile, the people here are probably particularly susceptible to these sorts of tactics, what with being taught basically our entire lives not to think critically or ask questions. Which I think might be contributing to the success of the US's propaganda in the US, vs, for example, China's propaganda in the US. I don't know, maybe this is obvious to everyone else, I'm tired. And I know I didn't articulate this very well. I'm going to bed.
I don't think we can qualify the success or failure of this without knowing whether and how much China is investing resources into something like this. They have a strict policy of non-interference in the internal matters of other nations which makes ultras very mad.
Edit: Actually I think simple things like the CGTN YouTube channel qualify for this too. Regardless I don't think they pour that much resources into it.