Incredibly sad. I wonder how the push for reviving the Scots language compares with Irish?
What prevents any other anarchist grouping from claiming the hierarchy you prefer isn't justified?
however I sternly argue that that does not necessitate a state.
Lets make this simple: A bunch of oppressed people group together and use violence to defend their interests. What prevents any anarchist from calling that an "authoritarian redfash state"?
The "freedom" of the capitalist class is the freedom to extract surplus value from workers. Should that freedom not be challenged? When workers do exactly that, don't capitalists and their defenders start whining about the sanctity of "freedom"?
Western media is completely controlled.
Six companies control all media.
A swiss study on media / news concentration and western propanda.
Lenin on this:
Some more capitalist monopolies:
No probs! This is a very detailed account of the history, negotiations and details around the winter war. Remember also that Finland crushed their own workers revolts in 1919, and were part of the alliance attacking the USSR in the russian civil war / revolution, as they were to do again in ww2 alongside nazi germany.
The safety of Leningrad (which was within artillery range of Finland, and which had been attacked in the previous decades by Finland, Britain and Germany, and which Finland later assisted nazi germany in nearly starving leningrad's people to death), was the primary issue of the winter war.
Lol, does tesla actually use javascript in their car software? God help us.