this post was submitted on 04 Jul 2024
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I feel like the Wii U is gonna have a resurgence in popularity one day much like the GameCube, as an underappreciated console in its time. The Gamepad is a pretty weird controller, but the console had some pretty solid games for it. Then again, Nintendo did port most of those solid titles to the Switch, so it may not happen.
The mod scene for the Wii u is pretty comprehensive. They have every console in Nintendo history up to the Wii u playing and stable. That includes DS and 3DS games with the second screen working on the tablet controller. It's a beast of a machine honestly.
Hang on, 3DS too? Is that emulation, a compatibility layer, just streaming from a 3DS, or what?
I am mistaken, 3ds emulation isn't here yet. But it's a heavily requested subject in the mod community. You can moonlight stream from a PC to a Wii u and I imagine you could get citra running that way with some finagling.
Do you think the Wii U would be powerful enough for native 3DS emulation? It's a lot to ask of the console but it would be pretty awesome.
Edit: Sorry for the late reply. I don't check Lemmy that consistently.
I won't claim to be an expert on system architecture. But as far as I understand, the Wii u is running much more demanding software than the 3ds. The difference is that the 3ds is an arm processor and the Wii u is a much older power PC architecture. For native playback, it would require some serious footwork to develop a compatibility layer. For emulation, it might take a savant. You'll see tons of shmoes that know no more than I do claiming it will never be possible but you can emulate new and snes on a Gameboy advance. That's saying even less about the quality or accuracy of Desai's emulation.
Your best bet is probably moonlight streaming citra from a laptop or something similar.