this post was submitted on 10 Jul 2024
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[โ€“] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I agree with Iger that this probably will be the biggest MCU movie in a long time. However I'd argue that's in spite of the MCU not because of it. They're simultaneously cashing in on Deadpool hype and bringing the primary X-Man into the MCU. Obviously we don't know what direction it's going to to go in until the movie comes out but I have a hard time imagining that if it tries to merge into the "main" MCU world that it'd make sense tonally. If it fucks off into the weird "multiverse" stuff that Dr Strange, Loki, and Wanda seem to be doing I have to guess subsequent stuff will be more nothingburgers that people are apathetic about

I personally think people liked Deadpool being mostly it's own thing. I think keeping him only tangentially involved is going to be the key to success but I doubt Disney's ability to be restrained enough to do that

[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

I agree. One highly anticipated movie cannot make up for continuous flops, that are inundated with increasingly convoluted storylines, and plagued with shitty writing.

I think this movie will trend more towards the MCU's dead cat bounce as opposed to a resurgence, and that's assuming it's not hot garbage. My expectations are low.