this post was submitted on 11 Jul 2024
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I thought every Wii U game that was worth playing got a Switch port?
Or is this more of a "I don't want to pay for the same game twice" kind of a thing? Buying the same game over and over again has been the norm for Nintendo for many years now.
Still no Twilight Princess
Pretty much, but yeah it's more for those that never got the chance to play those WiiU games as content-wise the changes were nonexistent or minimal. I also refused to double dip, apart from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe when they announced DLC tracks would be released, so there was like 8 years between purchasing moments.
Switch is the first to re-release a bunch of games from the generation just before, though. This is mostly due to the previous 2 home consoles being backwards compatible, so there was no need (market).
Xenoblade X is still stuck on the switch
"Worth playing" according to whom?