this post was submitted on 04 Aug 2024
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Maybe you can find a good discussion to have your mind changed. I personally find internet text discussions on forums or lemmy or wherever to just be pointless shitflinging contests where everything is an attempted “gotcha”
Maybe. It's pretty rare, and on Reddit or Lemmy, it's been very much in the minority. Maybe 1 out of every 100 lead to something worthwhile. It actually makes me really miss a good forum.
I agree, I think most people want to make a point without caring about whether or not they’re being persuasive. It’s the basic tenant of rhetoric that you are open to changing your mind; instead, internet commenters like to be hecklers, and you’ve frequently got a couple going at once. I think the post and comment thread format on the internet is part of the problem, because 1. OP is trying to manage a bunch of “conversations,” 2. There’s no turn order of speaking, partially due to 3. You’ve got potentially millions of people chiming in simultaneously, so how do you find the quality ones? And 4. Replies, as you said, try to be “gotchas” to end whatever dialogue, so no real progress is possible, and those responding aren’t here for a productive discussion.
Tl;dr quality vs quantity and willingness to change an opinion are difficult to get online