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Useful Resources
- Plex FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about using Plex Media Server and client apps with many useful links
- Plex App Setup Guide - Visual guide for first-run setup of Plex apps on smart devices
- c/Plex Add-ons Guide - Detailed info on many of the most popular Plex add-ons with links to setup guides and other resources. Mantained for this community.
- Servarr Wiki - The consolidated wiki for Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr.
- TRaSH-Guides - Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.
- Awesome-arr - a complete list of Plex-related companion apps, user scripts, etc.
- Plex Hardware Transcoding Cheat Sheet - NVidia GPUs
- Organizing and Naming Your Media Files
- Troubleshooting Server Connections
- Plex User Forums
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Tdarr and its Health Checks is the first thing that comes to mind:
this looks like it may be helpful, but I'm not super clear on what it does exactly. It looks like it does conditional transcoding, but I'm not clear on what that means. Would this screw with plexs own traditional transcoding? Or does it attempt to repair a file by transcoding.
Thank you for the input!
Tdarr has many usages revolving around transcoding. I use it for space optimization mainly but you can build your own workflow/pipeline to only do integrity checks… It will check that the file is eligible prior to attempting to transcode and check new files added to your library as Tdarr is designed to run continuously, checking and transcoding as configured. I’m not sure it is relevant to your specific issue but you could try the handbrake/ffmpeg health checks commands outside of Tdarr first on a file you know has the problem and if it works, automate the thing through Tdarr to do the same check on the entire folder/library. This would only help you in flagging them. I’m not sure about repairing though and usually I would look for a new version in case of issues. The question on the transcoding behavior is complex to answer as it depends on hardware on both server and client but you could run Tdarr without changing anything on this side. Please do go through the Tdarr documentation before actually running it across your entire library. My concern is that on my library none came back with a failed health check while a few do fail during transcode to x265 so again I don’t know if that will work for you.
Thanks for explaining, but I still want to make sure I understand the purpose of Tdarr. One thing I've noticed about tools like this is the documentation usually gets right into the "how" and skips over the "what and why". So Tdarr transcodes a library with intention of a new, permanent output library? Is that correct? I'm used to transcoding in the context Plex does it: On the fly to serve to a client, and temporary.
If my understanding is correct then maybe it'll help address issues, but still an awesome tool to help optimize my library.
Thanks for taking the time. Most of my coding background is mostly from monitoring and control, so I'm still learning a lot about the nuts and bolts of the whole stack that makes stuff like plex work.
Fribbtastic has an excellent answer: