I'll take four honest losses in a row over whatever crap the cheifs are doing now. Enjoy it I guess.
I don't get to refuse anything. I'm just complying with an order, or my state is saying, on record, they refuse to comply. All I can do is say the facts. Facts don't care about your feelings.
thanks. sorry. I am upset an amount beyond the right I have, but also have the responsibility, to be.
ah shit. Bad wording. I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come off that way, just upset and didn't mean to minimize. I can't do much, but I can be a pain in the ass at the DMV tomorrow and force a case. Not much blowback on someone like me.
Fuck you I'm a woman owned business now and also my DMV can't issue liscences designated male without proof of.... exogenesis? Parthogenisis? Some kind of nobel winning genesis?
I recommend everyone visit the DMV as soon as possible to change their license. It's an order from the commander in chief.
Now that I think of it: every DMV should be only be able to issue licenses with a female designation. Facts and law suites don't care about your feelings, snow flakes.
I have some computer memory I'm still learning the the right terms to describe. It's a criss-cross of wires with spinning ferro magnetic beads. I also know it's not only volatile (the information gone on power down) but destructive (information gone on read). It's about the foot print of an index card, with a ton of connections on every side, maybe 1.5-2cm thick.
Neat little bit of how it used to be.
Speaking from personal experience, you might be surprised at just how far up the economic ladder medicare goes. Not billionaires, but certainly millionaires. Why spend money on dumb doctors when YOUR'RE obviously healthy as an ox. YOU'RE never going to get sick. YOU are a demi-god in their prime. It's like when people complain about COBRA being it expensive. It was always that expensive, you're just paying it now. There are a lot of people with multiple homes financial advisors' include medicare as part of that planning.
2016: "it's no like roe is going away! People are over reacting!" 2024: "...."
Don't forget the "I wish dems did better!". You and me. Both but... Buckle up.
I tried to get a photo in front of the gate with a donught. Apparently it's just not a very popular pastry in Germany, or at least it wasn't at the time (not suprised given what I ate there... Don't know why you'd settle). IIRC even the dunkins nearby didn't have one.
Cool. Enjoy.