this post was submitted on 28 Aug 2024
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I recently had a conversation with a relative telling me they could not watch one of the recent Star Treks because they heard it was “woke”.
It’s Star Trek. It is ALWAYS woke. Star Trek (1966) was woke fifty years before “woke” was defined as a thing.
You can’t have Star Trek without “woke” because that’s what Star Trek is.
Star Wars fan here. Star Trek has always been an incredible example in pop culture of progressive values. They’ve supported love in all its forms, diversity, inclusion, and other “woke” values. They’ve created a world where everyone looks out for each other, protects each other, and includes each other. Star Trek is the future I want to live in. So, to all Star Trek fans, I give you a very enthusiastic “live long and prosper”.
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"Peace, and long life."