this post was submitted on 18 Oct 2024
31 points (87.8% liked)
Weird And Oddly Specific Playlists
1687 readers
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a place for weird, unique, or oddly specific playlists. please read the pinned post here for a more detailed description
the rules:
- be civil. let’s try to keep our community as chill as possible. no bullying, zero tolerance for transphobia, hate speech or any of that bigoted bullshit.
- be content with the content. if someone didn't make a playlist the way you would, make your own and post it please. no bullying, no picking on, mocking or complaining about anyones playlist or musical tastes.
- remember: all music is good music to someone. general discussions about music you like and don’t like is fine, but please refrain from comments that will make someone feel bad about what they enjoy.
- no self-promotion. this is not a group for promoting your music or a business, website, app, instagram.. you get the idea. it's just playlists in here
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Yeah Courtney is an asshole, but I also listened to hole back then cause I didn't know better so technically she belongs here. I did hesitate to add her, but you can block artists on spotify and they'll be skipped in the playlist. So thats an option too.
Love that dog. I had their album on tape!
They were on a geffen records compilation I had when I was single digit years old and I listened to the song over and over until my parents bought me their full album. They kinda lead me to Cursive and other weird bands no body likes.
Was it He's Kissing Christian? That seemed to be their 'hit' song
I believe it was Grunge Couple cringe from this compilation.