this post was submitted on 21 Oct 2024
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I got a switch from a friend awhile ago and didn’t use it much but recently I put 100+ hours in Stardew Valley on that thing.
I play all types of games from racing to shooters, sims to casual. Lately I’m especially drawn to games like Stardew because I hate dealing with boys/men online. No pressure, no hate. Maybe I’m just getting old.
You're not getting old. The hate is real.
I've put countless hours into Rainbow 6 Siege, Escape from Tarkov, League of Legends, CoD Warzone, all back when my guy friends were still interested in these games. I loved these games to death, but some of the most vile shit ever said to me were said when I played alone.
When my friends and I moved on to other games, I wanted to play these on my own and just couldn't. Without them, I had to mute myself or get graphic rape and death threats. I went with it for a while and thought I could tough it out, but I couldn't. These days I just soloqueue league on a new account without a feminine name.
But yeah, I agree it's a breath of fresh air to play games without the hate.