Late Stage Capitalism
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Yeah I'm pretty salty about the bank bailouts.
Let them die. If you don't let businesses occasionally fail then you don't have capitalism. You have oligarchical socialism.
Yeah it's a problem for the million or so employees. Bail them out. Bail out the people actually doing the work. Bail out the fucking victims.
Student loan forgiveness is fine, whatever. I'd love to have mine wiped out don't get me wrong, but Jesus it's fucking pointless unless you also change the rules and reform the industry.
All bailed out companies should be required to turn into worker cooperatives
Not arguing, I like the idea. But would the people in power just ensure the business failed after that so they could rebuild their non employee owned business thus fucking over the employees even more?
Here's a thought excersise that I hope you feel free to take as rhetorically as you wish:
Can you think of a time when it was "real" capitalism ^^^^tm and not crony capitalism/ forgiving socialism for the rich and robust free market capitalism for the poor?
Personally, I can't and I don't think anyone can name a time that that it was, that would stand up to any scrutiny.
If there was never a time that it could have existed, then It was always a lie.
Just to be clear in right behind you 99%. I may be wrong but feel that if you were to look into that area, you would likely come to the same conclusion as me.
Yeah, as much as these anti-student-loan-relief assholes do that's infuriating and ridiculous, broadly speaking, the ones I've encountered have also taken a dim view of any and every bailout as well.
There's plenty of ways to fairly criticize their position, inconsistency doesn't seem to be among them.
The bailouts should have taken the form of an injection into the FDIC to bail out the account holders after the banks closed their doors.