
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

It's been a little bit, I suspect the issue was getting my modem and router to allow that type of traffic. It wasn't the firewall. I remember spending a lot of time trying to get port forwarding set up so these fucking things would talk to each other the way I wanted and that's when I hit the "you can't do this with your set up try something else" message in the last guide I looked at.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

As I recall it was an issue with either my router or the actual modem I got from CenturyLink. I would have to go back and actually try again to get specifics. I right I'd eliminated the router as the culprit but I could be wrong about that, I was going back and forth between them. Port forwarding wasn't doing anything, there was some issue trying to forward between the modem and router, and from what I remember that's where I ran in to the "yeah you can't do this try something else" bit in the guide I'd found.

I was basically never able to see the server I had running on any other device. I'd set up firewall permissions as far as I could tell.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 20 hours ago (7 children)

I have spent hours trying to get some kind of server set up, without ever really being able to connect. Eventually in my furious troubleshooting Googlepalooza I eventually found a guide that had my problem addressed in it and it boiled down to "you should find a different way to do this." I've long since given up

[–] [email protected] 5 points 20 hours ago (6 children)

Please don't tell us how to access this magical Dreamland or some people might do something unethical towards the streaming providers.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago

It's so much more epic than it sounds.



I'm gonna meander a bit, I'm neutro spicy and I feel like the context here is important.

My dad was smart. Not in the grade school, my dad is stronger then yours kinda smart, but genuinely usually one of the smartest people in the room. His friends and co-workers thought so, my mother thought so. He was unique in his ability to both think through complicated problems and put his ideas in to action in a way that I haven't seen from anyone else.

Between my sister and I, I feel like she got most of his talent. That is to say, my sister is also quite smart, and driven. She's made herself a 1%er. But when she was still working hard she was at one time a criminologist, and later an actual, bone fide scientist. People would fight and clamour for positions that came to her naturally. She later moved on to sales and is making a killing, and yet somehow not enough.

She at one time considered herself a feminist. But now, she's a lockstep 1%er. She supports money, and those that make the number go up. She works from home, could live anywhere in the world, and chooses an expensive mcmansion on the East Coast. She railed against Biden and Harris, claims to have voted for libertarians in both elections. Not that it mattered, the state she lives in is so reliably blue it's hard to be mad about her little protest vote. Regardless, it feels like she's been standing at the deep end for a while, and now, I think she's finally taken the plunge. No lifeguard on duty.

She's started seeing a psychic. That, in and of itself is harmless. I've done these things. It can be a fun little game where you walk away and go "that was weird." But my sister, the former scientist, the one blessed with the capacity for reason and action our father had, absolutely the smarter of the two between us, has bought in.

This 'psychic' did what all these people do. Made some pretty general statements that would happen to anybody and gave them some context to make them feel personal. I imagine this psychic has given the exact same spiel about disasters and uncertainty to dozens of clients.

But to my sister, it's real, she's shook. A woman who has received more than one round of applause for testimony before a grand jury because she was just that sharp when answering questions on criminology, a woman who left that field because it wasn't scientific, it wasn't rigorous enough, thinks some random woman she met can suck information from the future.

It's cold reading. Anyone who knows what cold reading is and reads this knows that. It's a stupid Carney trick that anyone can learn to do. It's a single step more advanced than writing horoscopes. Suggesting that confirmation bias might be at play here was met with fervent defiance. My sister is saying she won't dismiss what she doesn't understand.

Bitch. Then SEEK TO UNDERSTAND. By what mechanism is a psychic reading your future? How is that information traveling? The two of you in that room were both genetically human, so surely if she can interpret magic signals from the great unknowable void, anyone can right?

She refuses to ask these questions. She's just taking it on blind faith that this person is being honest, that she can actually see the future, but only kinda, you know in a real vague way, and that guessing correctly about a few everyday things is evidence enough of that.

I've seen her when she gets inquisitive. A question she can't answer drives her to a level of focus and determination you don't often see in people. But it's like that spark is just, gone. The pilot light went out at some point in the last 12 years.

I don't know when we lost her, but that woman is just, gone.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

You'll just have to learn to eggcept that people love eggs

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I find puns to be eggregious

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Don't egg me on man

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I have an eggumenical attachment.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago (8 children)

Speak for yourself heathen.

I eat eggs.

I would rather starve than eat something other then eggs.

Meat? Gross. Vegetables? Ick. Sugar? Fuck off.

Eggs. Just eggs.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Fuck that I'm not going back to high school. You're old


I went to high school with this guy. We were never really close friends though he was perpetually in the one group of people I kept in touch with after high school.

A few years ago we had a falling out and I never really looked back. I never really liked the guy, sometimes I fuckin hated him. Though the group kinda fell apart after that and I lost contact with someone I actually did care about. Otherwise, getting him out of my life really wasn't a negative.

Regardless, he responded to a Facebook post and curiosity got the better of me.

In the past, he'd expressed regret in voting for Trump, he wasn't a Democrat and voted third party in 2020. I assumed he'd check out of this election and I'd see what he was up to.

Strangers, this man has completely lost his fucking mind. His Facebook is flooded with reposted tiktoks admonishing the current administration and screeching about the moral imperative of getting trump back in to office. One after another after another, 5 to 7 of these things a day. Continuing debates he's had with somebody by tagging them, and notably getting no response. More than once he's brought up a trump policy, blamed it on Kamala Harris, and howled about how evil the Democrats are.

In the past any attempt at rational discussion would devolve to fanatic ravings, and now it seems that all he's doing. Constantly screaming in to the void about some perceived Boogeyman.

I haven't lost anything, as I said getting out of each other's lives was a good thing for me. This guy used a hard R during the protests and would go to safe spaces online to torment the people there for fun. He's literally the type of person Facebook has screening questions for.

But Jesus, he's like a fucking caricature. There's no engaging with that type of person, no bringing them back. He's just lost.

IYKYK (lemmy.world)

This is an abrasive disk, rotating at 1500 rpm. When I shine my flashlight at it, it carries the glow with it, approximately halfway around the disk. What am I seeing happen here?


But they sent my area to a different building.

I'm at a place I don't know, surrounded by people I've never met, and as it happens food I can't eat.

I'm not allowed to leave.

I'm supposed to feel appreciated.

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