Enough, already: why humanity must get on board with the concept of ‘sufficiency’
Discussions about degrowth and all sorts of related topics. This includes UBI, economic democracy, the economics of green technologies, enviromental legislation and many more intressting economic topics.
That is such BS. I'm already living in a neighborhood with higher density with easy access to public transportation by both bus and subway, buying my food as locally as possible by going to local markets and mongers, reducing my meat consumption, trying to repair everything I own as much as possible instead of disposing and buying new an trying to keep my things to last as long as I can, reducing my energy consumption, trying to avoid plastics, composting, recycling, you name it. But I'm still limited by what's available out there that is being sold by big ass companies who only care about profit.
I'm sick and tired of putting the onus of making all the sacrifices on us, the working class, while rich assholes and companies are contributing more to pollution and global warming than anyone else. I really don't care bout you accusing me of not doing enough. You're basically defending companies and billionaires.
Population growth has never been so rapid. We were never supposed to grow this fast. Again this is a modern phenomena. This has never happened until the 1700s, which is around the time that colonization was in full swing. Then modern medicine came along. Before that, population growth was pretty stable. So your argument doesn't stand.
And why do you think that modern capitalist government don't want to stop population growth and keep complaining about low birthrates? They want more people so they can have more workers, and more workers means lower wages, lower wages means more profits! They're creating this environment where life become a rat race.
I'm not accusing you, I'm accusing us. Big difference. If you're doing your bit, that's great. Imagine how different things would look if everybody cared as much as you. Unfortunately they don't. Presumably you'll say they have busy lives, they're exploited by their capitalist bosses etc etc, so it's not their fault. All I see is a lot people saying "it's not their fault", "it's not our fault", "it's not my fault".
But "stable" population growth does not exist, by definition. It's no different from the economic variety: even 1% is exponential and will therefore prove unsustainable, since the ecosystem has not changed in size. And the record is clear. over and over, premodern civilizations have exceeded the carrying capacity of their environments and collapsed. The Amazon has repeatedly been farmed by humans whose numbers then crashed, allowing the forest to regrow. The Maya were already hitting the wall when the European colonists arrived. Same everywhere: Africa, the Pacific, and it will happen to all the supposedly harmonious societies you mention. There's nothing specially virtuous about them.