this post was submitted on 07 Nov 2024
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Sometimes you have to eat shit. And instead you guys devices up step aside and let the fascists through. Blame the party all you want, but it's the voters who didn't show up to oppose fascism that are to blame and they will suffer, not the Democratic party
And this is why the DNC will continue to run candidates who lose elections. When you lose a popularity contest you don't say "well clearly everyone's wrong" you ask what the other side did better.
Already hard at work losing the next election, I see.
I'm not running for office stupid
You should, you’ve got the party playbook down pat. Blame everyone else and double down on everything.
Toxic American. Pot calling the kettle black, you guys take zero responsibility for anything you do. You're all bigots now, your left has become as toxic and hateful as the right.
“The left” and democrats (liberals) are not the same in the US, you turd. Democrats are conservatives that are usually socially progressive. And yes, the left has always been aggressive here, thank you for noticing. And no, it doesn’t bother me that you pointed it out.