The data comes from the battery itself, as far as I know.
On the plus side, SD batteries are easily replaceable.
The data comes from the battery itself, as far as I know.
On the plus side, SD batteries are easily replaceable.
Uh, that’s used to keep the game from pausing when it autosaves, like it does on Windows. I don’t think they use it any other time.
Actually it would probably be even better then that if it wasn’t plugged in all the time. Without battery conservation on, the battery lifespan is reduced by being plugged in constantly.
I don’t want to live forever, because at some point you’re going to have done literally everything and seen everything, and I don’t want to live in a world where all wonder has turned into banality, and existence is nothing more than another in a count of days that just ticks endlessly upwards. At some point, even the warmth of love you have towards your family will disappear into the eons of your history, because you’ll have forgotten the things that created those feelings in the first place.
Not necessarily. There are examples of good games based on sci-fi franchises that aren’t riddled with shitty micro transactions. Starship Troopers: Extermination is a good example. It’s a base-building online cooperative FPS, and it’s actually a lot of fun. Surprisingly, even though you almost always play with strangers, (unless you have sixteen friends all ready to play) everyone has pretty good teamwork. I often see small groups sortie out in precise strikes into the bug horde to revive downed team mates.
The fact that this game exists, and is also being made by a smaller dev studio, never ceases to amaze me. This is a franchise that has produced several movies, video games, and related media. You wouldn’t expect the rights to something like this to be given to anyone but a big AAA publisher who can fork out a ton of money.
Welcome to, where the rules are made up on the spot and nothing you say matters as long as it fits the official Democratic Party line.
Oh, for fucks sake. Take a hint from the downvotes, the CEO is not a nazi defender, and your neoliberal opinion is shit.
Yes that’s what they said.
Sounds like PR just to advertise the Authors Guild. Nobody looking for the latest bestsellers in their favorite genre is gonna run across anything AI written.
I’ve never had iOS shut my VPN off, and I use a kill switch so I would immediately know.
OMG here’s a five paragraph comment on how that’s the wrong distro for you
I have a first gen Deck, still at 98%.