this post was submitted on 17 Jul 2023
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World class actors, a writer from Mr Robot being a showrunner, unlimited budget for stunts and action scenes

But I'm not enjoying it, it started out promising, abit of a slow burn but isn't going anywhere or as epic as it should be.

The main villain Gravis is a bit of a joke, he isn't scary, menacing or emphathetic. There isn't time to build chemistry between Talos and Gaiah. Fury doesn't seem to know what he's doing, just reacting to events, just same vague idea of stop the Skrulls.

There isn't any suspense to who is or isn't a Skrull, no paranoia which was basically the entirety of Mr Robot.

The Skrulls also haven't really succeeded in much, the first bombing resulted in a boring hearing where the Skrulls grilled another Skrull.

They kinda threw away a surprise Skrull reveal very early on. Where Martin Freeman, someone who never interacted with Fury is a Skrull and gets killed off and doesn't affect the plot. But Maria Hill who's been with Fury since the first movie isn't a Skrull but is killed off for some reason. It would have been super cliche, but also built on the sense of paranoia that Fury didn't know how long Hill had been a Skrull over the years. Now Fury's only ally is already a Skrull. There's no suspense at all, no Among Us, who's the imposter

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[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

So, there are a few classes of Marvel arcs in their comic books, secret invasion is the kind that doesn't really translate to other media well.

You need to care about the "people", and fury has been gone too long to care about, honestly this whole phase has been bad for that, we're still in shock from Endgame and Tony.

Fury is morally gray at the best of times, now we have 0 connection to him, we like talos, but this is a weird story and we only met him a few years ago. We don't know what happened to the real rhodey, we didn't see hill for a long time before she died, honestly killing Martin freeman early on was alienating.

We don't know or care about almost any of these people. Gravik is bad, but who here isn't? Everyone is old and painfully tired.

This is basically the Marvel version of the Indiana Jones sequels, it makes us sad inside that our heroes look like they could be stopped by stairs without solid handrails.

In comics there's much more room to make connections and show side stories that drag you in, you have other characters elsewhere, here it's just a few people who look like the real threat is their social security checks being late.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

killing Martin freeman early on was alienating.

do we know the real Ross is dead though? agreed with pretty much everything else you said.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I'm assuming he's in one of the pods, I hope he's not dead, or that first episode got crazy dark :(