A few Zionist colleagues of mine at the University of Sydney are currently trying to take me and fellow staff member John Keane to the Human Rights Commission for racial vilification, because we have dared to oppose this genocide. It’s classic ‘lawfare’, and it’s based on the baseless and absurd argument that when we say ‘Zionists’, we actually – so they tell us – mean ‘Jews’. We are, they claim, toxic antisemites.
If that’s what they thought, they could have come to my office at the university to talk about it. I would have bought them coffee, and made it clear just how far from the truth this is. Instead, they went direct to the Human Rights Commission, making a complaint that miraculously turned up on the front page of The Australian before it had even been acknowledged by the AHRC itself.
It is impossible to interpret this in good faith. The German government has obvious conflicts and should not be considered representative of international law. It's as arbitrary as saying "Iran says the IDF eats babies".
The UN: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/11/un-special-committee-finds-israels-warfare-methods-gaza-consistent-genocide
The ICJ: https://www.icj-cij.org/case/192
This instance is a joke. It's apparently worse to insult someone like the above poster than to cover for an occupied people being systematically exterminated. Civility politics is a brain disease, it is substance not style that matters.
at this rate it will take 300 years to exterminate 2 million
you think total Palestinian casualties are less than 7 thousand?
I guess they're faking starving to death.
Alrighty there champ, are you sure you really wanna do the whole "they don't have enough ovens" bit? Jfc, it's blatantly obvious that Benny from Cheltenham's plan is to forcibly remove the Palestinian population from Gaza and parts of the West Bank to continue pursuing the Israeli state's settler colonialist aims. Y'know, genocide.