Dave Filoni is currently writing Ahsoka season two, which is set to begin filming next year
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Regular TV schedule is fine if there is some sort of prolonged break afterwards.
My point is that while star wars content is generally enjoyable, less is definitely more and if they would instead produce an occasional movie or season, released every year or two, people would get a lot less fatigued. And it would give the time needed to produce actually compelling content instead of deeply mediocre b and c plots with a star wars coating.
But thats no good as a subscription selling point I suppose.
If by prolonged break you mean 3 month summer, that's less than the average of 4 months we get now.
Also as a subscriber, yes I want new things. I'm paying for new things. It doesn't need to be new Star Wars and Disney (in this case) has plenty of brands that they can offer me a wide variety of content, new content, every month (ish).
Now in terms of quality, you can produce multiple things. Mando/Ahsoka, that's Dave Filoni & Jon Favreau. Acolyte, that's Leslye Headland. Skeleton Crew, that's by Jon Watts & Christopher Ford. They're not putting all this work on one person. It's spread out. These people are given the time to produce good work.
To be clear I have plenty to criticize about the content we're getting. But I don't feel fatigue. I think we're getting the content people intended and I think we're getting it at a good pace.