this post was submitted on 10 Dec 2024
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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Day 11

Some hacking required to make JQ work on part 2 for this one.

Part 1, bruteforce blessedly short

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f

  [inputs] | recurse(map(
    if . == 0 then 1 elif (tostring | length%2 == 1) then .*2024 else
      tostring | .[:length/2], .[length/2:] | tonumber

Part 2, some assembly required, batteries not included

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f

reduce (inputs|[.,0]) as [$n,$d] ({};     debug({$n,$d,result}) |
  def next($n;$d): # Get next           # n: number, d: depth  #
      if $d == 75                    then          1
    elif $n == 0                     then [1          ,($d+1)]
    elif ($n|tostring|length%2) == 1 then [($n * 2024),($d+1)]
    else #    Two new numbers when number of digits is even    #
      $n|tostring| .[0:length/2], .[length/2:] | [tonumber,$d+1]

  #         Push onto call stack           #
  .call = [[$n,$d,[next($n;$d)]], "break"] |

  last(label $out | foreach range(1e9) as $_ (.;
    # until/while will blow up recursion #
    # Using last-foreach-break pattern   #
    if .call[0] == "break" then break $out
      all( #     If all next calls are memoized        #
          .call[0][2][] as $next
        | .memo["\($next)"] or ($next|type=="number"); .
      .memo["\(.call[0][0:2])"] = ([ #                 #
          .call[0][2][] as $next     # Memoize result  #
        | .memo["\($next)"] // $next #                 #
      ] | add ) |  .call = .call[1:] # Pop call stack  #
      #    Push non-memoized results onto call stack   #
      reduce .call[0][2][] as [$n,$d] (.;
        .call = [[$n,$d, [next($n;$d)]]] + .call
  # Output final sum from items at depth 0
  | .result = .result + .memo["\([$n,0])"]
) | .result