Pro-Luigi Mangione content is filling up social platforms — and it's a challenge to moderate it
Politics without the jerks.
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Thought police much?
And that last paragraph... You're doing an awful lot of projection based on some guillotine memes and nintendo character photoshops.
Yes, really. If it's normal acceptable and cool to walk up to someone in the streets and execute them because you're angry, society devolves. It is a devolution because we have been here before, it is a societal regression, back to a more primitive order.
Before, one would just rape when they're horny and murder when they're angry or bored. If you think I'm being hyperbolic go look at monkeys, or like the rest of the animal kingdom. What's the number on infanticide, 30% of all animals engage in baby murder for one reason or another, or none. Same with Luigi.
Again, does Luigi make a good point? Sure, but Jordan Peterson makes some good points too, he hasn't murderered anyone to get the word out. Make your case and make it well and it will last vs being a violent flash in the pan, outlash at a single part of a very large system. It's short-sighted, and doesn't solve the problem that Luigi is mad about. It's childish.
Let's not make him an idol and order more of that. Let's condemn it and say, but yes he made some good points and build on that.
That's not what happened. The dude got shot for being a serial killer, not because some dude was angry.
Luigi wasn't angry, mad, or upset about the situation?
Allegedly that's true. But that's not the core reason.
This is a gross oversimplification.
It really isn't. If Brian Thompson wasn't killing people en masse to make a buck, he wouldn't have gotten shot. Simple as that.