Petition: Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold
Scott Ross's dead games (games as a service) news, strange games, holiday spirit games, whimsical reviews, the voice of Gordon Freeman, and, eventually, The Movie.
And what the fuck did the petition do? Protests work, petitions don't do shit. If anything, petitions hinder progress because it makes people feel like they've done something and sit back down instead of going to protests.
So whining is better huh.
You’re conjuring up a strawman saying people don’t pursue further action after signing the petition.
A petition is very literally nothing more than whining. Go protest.
How about you stop wasting energy trying to discourage people with your negativity. The people who sign petitions are the most likely to protest on the issue.
And the people who are on the edge of protesting might choose not to because they get a sense of accomplishment from signing and sharing the petition.
How about you stop wasting energy trying to get people to performatively do nothing instead of getting out and actually make themselves heard?
Pointless bullshit should be derided.
if you have protest without petition or some other clear way what you want to be done, you are just whining.
How can you compare the mishandling of flaky criminals with a rapsheet as long as your arm with the purposeful destruction of art by billion dollar corpos?