Fairvote Canada
What is This Group is About?/De Quoi Parle ce Groupe?
The unofficial Lemmy movement to bring proportional representation to all levels of government in Canada.
Voters deserve more choice and accountability from all politicians.
Le mouvement non officiel de Lemmy visant à amener la représentation proportionnelle à tous les niveaux de gouvernement au Canada.
Les électeurs méritent davantage de choix et de responsabilité de la part de tous les politiciens.
- What is First-Past-The-Post (FPP)?
- What is Proportional Representation (PR)?
- What is a Citizens’ Assembly?
- Why referendums aren't necessary
Related Communities/Communautés Associées
Official Organizations/Organisations Officielles
- Fair Vote Canada
- Fair Voting BC
- Charter Challenge for Fair Voting
- Make Votes Equal / Make Seats Match Votes
- FairVote US
- Make Votes Matter UK
We're looking for more moderators, especially those who are of French and indigenous identities.
Nous recherchons davantage de modérateurs, notamment ceux qui sont d'identité française et autochtone.
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And guess what keeps the AfD away?
The fact they cant win a majority with 20% of the vote thanks to Germany not using winner-take-all?
More the AfD can't get seats at all because of fptp.
I mean fascists filtrated the Republican Party and won all the power with only 49.8% of the vote in the 2024 US Presidential Election.
Do you really want AfD to win a majority with only 20% of the vote because parties have won a majority with only 18% of the vote under fptp.
It’s more transparent to everyone in the democracy if we all saw the amount of support they have instead of them lurking behind the 2 big tent parties.