Did you know anyone can freeze your account on an exchange with one unblockable trick?
Buttcoin is the future of online butts. Buttcoin is a peer-to-peer butt. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new butts or tracks butts.
A community for hurling ordure at cryptocurrency/blockchain dweebs of all sorts. We are only here for debate as long as it amuses us. Meme stocks are also on topic.
inb4 people do exactly the thing this subsection of this website is intended for
Apparently they were out-b4 I could even see what they wrote.
I'll respect their decision to voluntarily retract their crypto apologetics and not bore you with it. Just a bit funny to pre-empt anti-crypto rants on a forum called Buttcoin on a site called Awful Systems.
do you even know where the fuck you're posting
it’s fucking weird you made an account just to post this tripe, but off you fuck anyway