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What would be the solution? Because illegal immigration is going to continue happening anyway. Jus soli would have to be replaced by something else.
A callous proposal would be deportation of parents and baby after birth if both parents are illegal immigrants. But that would only drive illegal immigrants to give birth outside of hospitals and without proper care and probably send mortality up.
I don't think there's an easy solution. There are a lot of people who don't regard tolerating illegal entry in any form to be a workable solution. I should think they disagree with you over whether illegal crossing can be stopped. They just regard the punishment to not be high enough. Callous as you say. But I should think they'd regard the toleration of undocumented crossings that a tiny minority of are criminals evading detection is also callous on the people that suffer as a result.
I personally think more liberal but documented movement in tiers is a solution. But I don't think the status quo of what America had been doing - tolerating illegal crossings and toying with the idea of naturalising undocumented people - was a solution because the writing was on the wall for a long time that America was democratically moving against it. The catastrophe that's currently happening is the result.
Some people just don't regard illegally entering a country to be a misdemeanor, rather they regard it as a serious offence. Such stances are usually as emotional as they are reasonable. But so is most politics..