this post was submitted on 12 Feb 2025
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How should I go about telling ICE that they can fuck all the way off up their own asses? Who should I notify that I'm calling them a division of the MAGAstappo? Do I need forms in triplicate stating that it is my firm opinion that not a single person who works for or cooperates with ICE is or can possibly be a good person? Do I specifically need to use social media to say that nobody who works for ICE is deserving of love?
Report them to themselves for human trafficking? Better yet, report a local racist.
Caveat: providing false information to law enforcement is a crime, unlike law enforcement lying to other citizens. In all seriousness, just avoiding them and not aiding them goes a long way, too.
"Have you seen any undocumented people?"
"I don't know."
"Have you seen any people?"
"I don't know."
"Can you see me right now?"
"I dont know."
Bonus points if you use "No lo se."